Hello Matt, hello Adrian,

Matt Benson wrote:
--- Adrian Gonzalez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
thanks for the tip !

I've checked the project documentation.
Did you have any issues using Dozer ? (resolved with
Morph) - If you have some I'm really interested !
I'm currently checking for those kind of libraries,
Morph appears to be really nice, but Dozer has a
broader contributor base.

year, I started searching--again--for alternatives,
and found Morph, which I hadn't seen before.  It
looked promising, so I bookmarked it for later
investigation.  When I finally returned to it in
December, I continued to like its design, but found
some warts.  I contacted Matt S and joined the Morph
"team."  But truthfully I haven't yet implemented all
the functionality I want before I begin developing
against Morph in earnest.  However, if interface 21
carries any weight with you, I'll include quoted text
(from Morph's public developer mailing list) from Ben
Alex, who recently became a user, when I asked for his
could you please post the URL of the Morph project?
Google is very noisy, but without good results...


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