
well, I did try BDB-xml long ago for another purpose and it was receiving xml-documents as... strings! very non-scalable. Do you have a better experience ?
BDB is native, that's a bit annoying but could be a good candidate.
An API pointer would be nice.


Lian Ort wrote:
Hello Paul,
did you check Berkeley DB (BDB; ?
Its kinda usable like a HashMap. You are looking for a solution
to store Objects as Bytestreams and to get them back via a key. This sounds
like a HashMap
and this is also one of the way Berkeley DB is usable. BDB only handles
bytestreams, no concrete
java objects. You can store any sized bytestream in it and the library is

On 3/14/07, Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Paul Libbrecht skrev  den 21-02-2007 21:22:
> Thanks for the hint of a directory split in a way similar to a
> hash-table, I hadn't thought about it and it would solve the horrible
> 50'000 files/directory.
> Choosing the host platform is not an option though... so the
> filesystem also not.

> Overall these 50'000 only bother if you look at it.
It may also be a performance problem, depending on whether the directory
is searched linearly or sequentially for a named file.
> Where I am rather making hopes is for the small-sized chunks for which
> making a full-file is a waste on several file systems which have
> minimal sizes of 512 bytes, and some 4Kb...
> Of course I could write my library for this, with java.nio most
> probably, but I was hoping VFS or some other library to help me there.
Could you elaborate on your scenario.  Perhaps the usage patterns lend
towards a given pattern.


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