I'm using Commons Pool 1.3 and I'm looking for the best approach to seed, or initialize, a GenericObjectPool instance during application server (JBoss) startup. It appears to me that setting minIdle alone will not do the trick. Apparently, I need to set timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis (to a positive integer) since the Evictor thread will not start immediately (and it is the Evictor thread that will ultimately ensure minIdle instances reside in the pool). But herein lies the rub. I don't want to set the timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis to be less than 30 minutes and I don't want to wait until 30 minutes has passed before the pool is seeded. I have implemented a GenericObjectPool subclass and I am considering invoking startEvictor with a relatively small delay to seed the pool followed by a call to setTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis (when the subclass is instantiated) but that feels like a hack. So, anyone have a better way?

Thanks in advance,


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