Kostis Anagnostopoulos wrote on Wednesday, April 04, 2007 2:05 PM:

> Hi to all developers of the Commons-VFS,
> Yesterday, when i was trying ot upgrade my EJB's VFS
> dependency to the latest
> 1.0 version i obviously forgot some m2 dependencies regarding the
> commons-logging, and the net result was that the (hopfully)
> development WebLogic application server's JVM crashed!
> By googling i found that Apache commons-logging has been
> known to cause such
> problems.
> See thid blog for JCL
> woes:http://blog.organicelement.com/2006/12/21/commons-logging
> -classloader-woes/ 
> Do you think it would be possible to have VFS library to use
> SLF4J instead?
> (http://www.slf4j.org/)
> I would be more than willing to do the port, if that gets decided.

Well, since the author of the blog already stated, that he stopped using JCL 
*long ago* he should stop to spread such FUD. JCL 1.1 was released to solve 
those problems and you might have been also better off to give details instead 
of repeating other peoples rumours. JCL is used wide-spread and you will always 
include some dep that is based on JCL. Therefore any howling does not help. If 
you have problems, we try to solve it, but not by switching to a different 
framework that has its own problems if it is used in the wrong way.

- Jörg

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