Hi everybody,

We're trying to create a custom rule which will be used by Digester. We
follow the steps indicated in

    Creating a digester from XML:

|FromXmlRuleSet| is a |RuleSet| implementation that initializes its
|Digester| from rules defined in an XML file. The path to the XML file
is passed to constructor.

Alternatively, the convenience class DigesterLoader defines a static
method, |Digester createDigester(String rulesXml) throws
DigesterLoaderException|". When passing the name of the file that
contains your digester rules, this method returns a |Digester| instance
initialized with the rules.

To add your own rules, you need to:

  * Update the DTD
    You should add an element type for your rule. The element should
    have an attribute corresponding to each of the rule's
    initialization parameters.
  * Define an |ObjectCreationFactory|
  * Extend |DigesterRuleParser|
    |DigesterRuleParser| is a |RuleSet| for parsing a rules XML file.
    You should extend this, and override the |addRuleInstances()|
    method to add the rules for parsing your new element. Look in
    DigesterRuleParser.java to see how its done.

but we had a problem with the inner class PatternRule of
DigesterRuleParser. We overrided addRuleInstances(Digester digester)
method but there was a compilation error because PatternRule is a
private class

How can we resolve this problem?

This is the source problem, with the error

import org.apache.commons.digester.AbstractObjectCreationFactory;
import org.apache.commons.digester.Digester;
import org.apache.commons.digester.Rule;
import org.apache.commons.digester.xmlrules.DigesterRuleParser ;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;

public class SetTopPropertyRuleParser extends DigesterRuleParser {
     public class SetTopPropertyRuleFactory extends

      public Object createObject(Attributes attributes) throws Exception {
          String methodName = attributes.getValue("methodname");
          String paramType = attributes.getValue("paramtype");
          if (paramType != null){
              return new SetTopPropertyRule(methodName, paramType);
              return new SetTopPropertyRule(methodName);

  public SetTopPropertyRuleParser(Digester targetDigester) {

  public void addRuleInstances(Digester digester) {
      final String ruleClassName = Rule.class.getName();
      digester.addRule("*/set-top-property-rule", new
PatternRule("pattern")); // ERROR PatternRule is a private class
      digester.addSetNext("*/set-top-property-rule","add", ruleClassName);



Note: I'm sorry for my english


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