On 4/20/07, Rajendran, John Tom (STSD) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi there,
I have an orthogonal state chart implemented with SCXML, I have a SLOT
and TASK defined in the parallel states. MSlotInitState to
MSlotQueuedState, MSlotLockedState is happening and in the
MSlotLockedState I am trying to
- <state id="MSlotLockedState">
- <onentry>
  <log expr="'Slot Locked State'" />
  <transition event="SlotReadyToBeHeldEvent"
target="MSlotHeldState.aquireSlot" />
  <transition event="TimerExpiredEvent" cond="_eventdata.timeAbs eq
false" target="MSlotQueuedState.queueSlot" />
  <transition event="TimerExpiredEvent" cond="_eventdata.timeAbs eq
true" target="MSlotCancelledState.cancelSlot" />
  <transition event="CancelEvent" target="MSlotCancelledState.freeSlot"
Move to MSlotHeldState.acquireSlot which is a method call within
MSlotHeldState. Here the transition is not happening. Eventhough the
event is triggered from server side. I am able to go from Init to the
next transitions like MSlotHeldState, MSlotLockedState,
MSlotqueuedState. Next level of transitions are not happening at all. Is
there anything I am missing in the SCXML please help me.

The state machine looks OK to me (other than the expressions for the
guard conditions which I cannot verify since the event payload is
application specific).

I'd recommend re-checking the expressions and the pertinent payload
(_eventdata) classes. For that, you should really be familiar with the
JEXL syntax [1] as well. As of now, there isn't enough information in
this email to help you with the expressions. If you provide more
details (via the smallest complete test case), I'll gladly take
another look.


[1] http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/jexl/reference/syntax.html


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