Sorry, thought it would remain part of the original thread. Here goes:

==== original question ====

This one's been dogging me for hours, and as I've been unable to find an
answer on the web, it's to the community I go!

A relevant XML fragment is as follows:

        <fieldtype name="analyzedField" class="solr.TextField">
            <analyzer type="index" class="&index_analyzer;" />
            <analyzer type="query" class="&query_analyzer;" />
        <fieldtype name="verbatimField" class="solr.StrField">

In my code I've got:

    digester.addObjectCreate("/schema/types", HashMap.class);
    digester.addCallMethod("/schema/types/fieldtype", "put", 2);
    digester.addCallParam("/schema/types/fieldtype", 0, "name");
    digester.addCallParam("/schema/types/fieldtype", 1, "class");
    digester.addSetNext("/schema/types", "setFieldClasses");

So far, this works fine, passing the created HashMap to the
setFieldClasses() method of the top-level object.

What I want to do is also create a HashMap which has the name attribute
of the fieldtype element as its key, and as its value another HashMap,
this time with the type and class of the analyzer element as key and

As the XML fragment shows, not all fieldtype elements have child
elements of the type analyzer (and another possibility is a single
analyzer child with no type attribute, just class). As such, I attempted
to use Digester.addFactoryCreate() to generate the data:

    ObjectCreationFactory analyzerClassMapCreationFactory = \
        new AnalyzerClassMapCreationFactory();
    digester.addFactoryCreate("/schema/types/fieldtype/analyzer", \
    digester.addSetNext("/schema/types/fieldtype", \

These lines were placed just before the digester.addSetNext() line from
the previous block. As well, the code for the ObjectCreationFactory
implementation is as follows:

    public class AnalyzerClassMapCreationFactory \
        extends AbstractObjectCreationFactory
        public AnalyzerClassMapCreationFactory()
        public String getFieldTypeName()
            HashMap fieldClassMap = (HashMap)digester.peek(0);
            String fieldTypeName = \
            return fieldTypeName;
        public Object createObject(Attributes attributes)
            throws Exception
            HashMap<String, String> analyzerClassMap = \
                new HashMap<String, String>();
            String type = null, className = null;
            if (attributes != null) {
                type = attributes.getValue("type");
                className = attributes.getValue("class");
                if (type == null) {
                    analyzerClassMap.put("index", className);
                    analyzerClassMap.put("query", className);
                else {
                    analyzerClassMap.put(type, className);
            String fieldTypeName = this.getFieldTypeName();
            HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> fieldTypeAnalyzerMap = \
                new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>();
            fieldTypeAnalyzerMap.put(fieldTypeName, analyzerClassMap);
            return fieldTypeAnalyzerMap;

I realize one of the problems may have to do with the digester.peek()
call, but even if I don't use that and use a debug String in its place,
I get the same problem.

The problem is that the previously created HashMap (from the
setFieldClasses() call) is no longer created. Indeed, it appears that
the createObject() method of my ObjectCreationFactory implementation is
never called, and certainly the setFieldTypeAnalyzerMap() method is

Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks,
-- Robert

Robert Watkins

On Thu, 28 Jun 2007, Rahul Akolkar wrote:

Can you please include the original question? Not that it will
guarantee an answer, but it may be easier on anyone looking at this.


On 6/28/07, Robert Watkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Given the lack of response, I fear it may be due to the improper subject
line, lacking the [Digester] string. I've thus added it in hopes that it
will garner a response (and at the risk of being considered pushy).
-- RW

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