On 7/6/07, Ingmar Kliche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I need to terminate a state machine instance from external (i.e. not from
markup) to prevent it to process any further event. A SCXMLExecuter.reset()
is unfortunately more than a pure "reset", it is also a "go" (i.e. the
initial state is executed and therefore the state machine is again active).
How do I really _terminate_ a state machine, including all the clean up for
cancelling existing <invoke>'s etc.?


I think doing this without markup should generally be avoided since it
makes the model incomplete. So, for example, an abrupt termination
would be an event trigger that takes us to a particular <final>. I
presume there is some reason you can't do it that way.

Such support can probably be provided, but I am not too keen on it at
the moment.


- Ingmar.

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