Dear Alan,

thanks for bringing  up this matter (points).

my opinions:

on Item 1: 

i ask a question If the associate member is paying any annual fee then i would 
recommend to be allowed to vote 

If one does not pay any fee i would recommend not to be allowed to vote

On Item 2:  i say YES to the proposed phrase

On item 4:  i support the term limit and i would propose to be maximum two Terms

On item 5: i support the LIMIT and i would say maximum ONLY ONE 

On Item 6: i say YES 

On item 7: i say Sure! 

On item 8: for Sure!

On item 9: i would say, Any Board Vacancy shall be filled through a normal 
procedure (nomination and then voting at MGM). Where the Vacancy happens more 
than 3 months ahead of the coming MGM then SMGM shall be called and i would 
recommend this meeting to be carried out through internet technology interfaces 
such as Teleconferences, webEx, Video Conference, Zoom and other such 
technology as it may be seen appropriate. Voting at the same time to be 
conducted electronically.

On Item 10:  i would ask a Question here.... why should the Board want to 
disapprove the nomination(s) ?  i think the Board shall not have mandate to 
approve any nomination(s) that does not fulfill the set aside requirement(s). i 
think the BOARD shall only approve the nomination(s) which have fulfilled the 
requirements and automatically disapprove those which have not met the 

On Item 11: I say YES 

on Item 12:  I would say: Board is not allowed to aprove any Policy or Policy 
changes that have not gone through PDP.




Arbogast Fabian,


Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2016 12:18:00 +0200
Subject: [AFRINIC-Announce] Accountability Assessment

Arising from a review of AFRINIC’s Bylaws and other documents, several 
potential areas for improvement were identified.
The attached document was presented to the AFRINIC Membership and the community 
during the AGMM in Gaborone, Botswana, on 9 June 2016.
I invite the community and the membership to comment on these suggestions, or 
any other areas where the Bylaws could be improved.  Comments should be sent to 
the mailing list.  In due course, Bylaws changes 
will be drafted to implement the suggestions (and additional points that might 
be identified).
Alan Barrett

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