On 10/Oct/16 09:01, Saul Stein wrote:

> I know that some ISPs give v6 to all customers, I wonder how many of
> them use it?

We assign each enterprise customer an IPv6 prefix. I'd estimate use of
it at 0% today (even there about 5% of them ask for it).

Our service provider customers are more interested in getting the IPv6
BGP session going, and announcing their IPv6 allocation. I'd estimate
that at about 50% (much of which comes through pestering them).

> I have spoken to a few corporate customers to try and understand the
> barriers and interest.
> Some, its bureaucracy different departments for LAN, firewall and then
> change control etc, for some its time – simply not high on the
> priorities board to allocate recourses, others its training and then
> the previous issues.

In general, it is a lack of interest.

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