Dear All,
I apologize for having  missed your rejoinder to my mail.
Your first question regards the reason as to why the same principle has been applied to the election for Seat 2
notwithstanding the fact that there were two candidates.
My response is that an election cannot be run on different principles. In this particular election the option "none of the above " was introduced for the first time and everyone was aware of this and it applied to all the elections held on that day. The Election guidelines were amended to acomodate this option. Consequently this option has to be taken in consideration when finalising the results. Where there were two candidates. The options for voters were (1) yes for candidate (1)-((2) yes for candidate 2-(3) yes for non of the above.Each one is mutually exclusive. Each score to be counted separately. The majority for either option wins the day. One should not create a fictitious majority by adding votes polled by (1) & (2) together. The real majority was to all intents and purposes the option which polled the most votes. There is no need to extrapolate or interpret. Where there was one candidate there were two options- Yes for the single candidate or yes for  "non of the above" My reference to Art 10.2 was based on the decision of the members present at  past AGMMs to have the option of rejecting a single candidate or to give their approval to the single candidate, This has occurred more than once.
Legal Counsel AFRINIC.

On 24/05/2018 21:11, Arnaud AMELINA wrote:
Dear CEO and Chairman

It looks like the Legal counsel has not  responded to this query bellow   regarding this very important issue about the recently concluded elections.

Could you kindly remind him?

Let us address this to a good conclusion in order to enforce the respect of our rules and processes.



Le sam. 19 mai 2018 11:40, Omo Oaiya < <>> a écrit :

    Dear Legal Counsel,

    Thanks for your input.  Much appreciated.

    Your statements reinforce the interpretation of section 9.2 of the
    guidelines with the origin of the "none of the above" option in
    the election process and how votes for this option are considered
    in the case of one candidate running for election for a seat.
    [Last bullet point]

    Case in which the election becomes a "yes" or "no"  vote for the
    only candidate.   This point is clear and accepted and the
    objection is not for the results for seat 5 and 6.

    What has not been clarified is how the same principle came to be
    applied for the elections for seat 2 which had two candidates
    running for the seat, one of whom got higher votes than the other,
    with the total number of members casting votes in excess of those
    opting out.

    You also referred to art 10.2 of the constitution but did not
    elaborate on the precedence that occurred that has become an
    integral part of our guidelines.  As precedence automatically
    becomes part of the election guidelines, it is important that we
    address issues which come up around the election with care and

    Can you be so kind to clarify?

    Best wishes

    PS:  Grateful to listers to please keep this thread confined to
    the subject.

    On 17 May 2018 at 17:17, Ashok <
    <>> wrote:

        Dear Members and Community,
        Mt views have been sought on the matter under reference.
        Please find same hereunder.

        On 17/05/2018 14:04, B

        *_The Election Process and last AGMM._*

        The appointment of Directors is carried out during an AGMM of
        the Company –Art 13.1 of the constitution.

        The election of the Directors is carried out in terms of Art
        13.2 of the constitution which refers expressly to the
        election process approved by the Board.

        MoreoverArt 10.2 of the Constitution refers to precedent
        applied during an AFRINIC election and which de facto become
        part of the election guidelines.

        The election processas it stands today is the one which was
        applied duringthe elections held during the last AGMM without
        any opposition.

        This is what it provides:

        *9.2 Paper Ballot on Election Day*

        The voting conducted during the Annual General Members'
        Meeting is carried out via paper ballots containing a list of
        candidate names and a ballot number. Prior to the vote, all
        members present or participants holding a proxy will be
        requested to register and validate their membership status.

                  + Voters should only vote for one candidate per
                    category/region. Each mark on a ballot paper
                    represents one vote. A ballot with more than one
                    mark per category/region will be considered
                    spoilt, and not be counted.
                  + The ballot paper should provide voters with the
                    option to not vote for any candidate (a.k.a. "None
                    of the Above").
                  + This will be a secret ballot election. An
                    inclusion of any personal data on the ballot paper
                    will invalidate the vote and will be counted as
                  + Elections will be closed as soon as the last
                    member or proxy present in the meeting room casts
                    his/her vote. Candidates with the highest number
                    of votes in each category will be declared winners.
                  + In the event of a tie for an open position, voting
                    for that position will be repeated (Only by paper
                    ballot) the same day until there is a winner.
                  + All open positions shall be subject to an election
                    process even if there is only one candidate. In
                    that event, if the option [none of the above] got
                    more votes than the only candidate, then the seat
                    shall be considered vacant and the Board will be
                    requestedto apply provisions of the Bylaws to
                    temporarily fill the vacant seat

        The last amendment of the election guidelines introduced the
        voting option “ None of the Above”. –(Vide second bullet point
        above.)Those voters who have cast their votes for “ None of
        the Above” have done so in compliance with the
        prevailingconstitution and these are thus valid votes. Every
        voter was aware of the new option.

        The election guidelines are clear as to what happens when the
        “ None of the Above” option has a majority.- (Vide last bullet
        point above.)

        The election guidelines must be read as a whole and all the
        provisions read together.

        Legal Counsel –AFRINIC


        oubakar Barry wrote:

        Hello Board and Legal Counsel,

        Good that Omo spotted this.

        It’s a matter of applying the board election process adopted
        by the board according to section 13.2 of the bylaws.
        describes the process and section 9 spells out how to
        interpret the results in the case there are more than one
        candidate and in the case there is only one candidate. These
        two cases are addressed separately and differently.

        It’s important to hear from the Board and the Legal Counsel,
        as the elections can be challenged.

        Please advise.



        On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 5:24 PM, Omo Oaiya
        < <>> wrote:

            Greetings All,

            I am looking at the BoD election process and it seems to
            me that the recent e-mail from the Board Chair seeking
            nominations for vacant seats should not be extended to
            Western Africa.

            The particular clause I am referring to is in 9.2 -


                Elections will be closed as soon as the last member
                or proxy present in the meeting room casts his/her
                vote. Candidates with the highest number of votes in
                each category will be declared winners

            I see from the list for West Africa that the candidate
            with the highest number of votes should have been
            declared winner and this is Dr Ousmane Tessa.  (btw, Dr
            Adewale Adedokun needs his name spelt correctly)

            *Western Africa - Seat 2*

            Dr Adelawe Abedekon - 43

            Dr Ousmane Moussa Tessa - 56

            None of the above - 78

            /Result: The seat is vacant/

            The results from the other regions are valid and
            supported by the following clause as they had one candidate.

                  o All open positions shall be subject to an
                    election process even if there is only one
                    candidate. In that event, if the option [none of
                    the above] got more votes than the only
                    candidate, then the seat shall be considered
                    vacant and the Board will be requested to apply
                    provisions of the Bylaws to temporarily fill the
                    vacant seat.

            Can AfriNIC and the nomcom please clarify?   We should
            not deprive Dr Tessa of a rightful win …. especially in
            the circumstances we find ourselves.


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