
I try to avoid you so I don’t get drawn into time-wasting discussions.   I 
guess I am reacting to your flippant disregard for AFRINIC origins and your 
attempt to disparage those that have worked to get us here. 

> On 19 Jun 2018, at 14:51, Andrew Alston <> 
> wrote:
> Omo,
> As a member that contributes fees to the organisation – at a rate of almost 
> $50k a year – I have every single right in the world – to understand how that 
> money is being spent.  And I will continue to ask – especially when an event 
> is being held that is being paid for that is not on any event calendar.

I have not suggested you do not have the right to question.  I have queried 
their nature and more importantly the availability of the CEO to respond 
question by question.  

> While I realize that the organisation you work for – got their space on the 
> back of a grant and didn’t even pay the allocation fee or the first few years 
> of having it – and you are a small member – so its tiny amounts of money – 
> others of us – actually would like to know where our cash is being spent to 
> guide other decisions.

 I am a small member who does not expect this level of micromanagement from a 

> Andrew
> From: Omo Oaiya [ <>] 
> Sent: 19 June 2018 16:47
> To: <>; 
> AFRINIC Board of Directors' List < 
> <>>
> Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] [Board-Discuss] Cotonou Meeting
> This line of questioning is unnecessary and unbecoming.   I am surprised the 
> CEO has time to respond to this.
> Omo
> On 19 Jun 2018, at 14:40, Andrew Alston < 
> <>> wrote:
> Sorry, 
> Last question – why is this event not on the AFRINIC Event calendar (or the 
> ISOC event calendar)
> Andrew
> From: Alan Barrett [ 
> <>] 
> Sent: 19 June 2018 16:31
> To: <>
> Cc: AFRINIC Board of Directors' List < 
> <>>
> Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] [Board-Discuss] Cotonou Meeting
> > On 19 Jun 2018, at 17:21, Andrew Alston < 
> > <>> wrote:
> > 
> > Alan,
> > 
> > Does this include the cocktail sponsorship 
> The sponsorship is a lump sum. There is no additional or separate amount for 
> a cocktail.
> > – if it does – can we calculate as follows based on previous trips to work 
> > out the approximate cost of attendance:
> > 
> > Average cost per person in flights (based on previous financials) - $2049.50
> > Sponsorship $3000
> > Accommodation while there since it’s a 2 day event - $500 odd dollars per 
> > person (conservatively)
> > 5 total people
> > 
> > Cost to the membership for this – roughly $16k?
> That sounds plausible, though it's more likely to be 4 people, not 5.
> Alan Barrett
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