
If there was a way to transfer out right now - to be blunt - yes - with the 
current status quo I would  advise those I represent to use it. And on this I 
speak only for myself - as these are my opinions.

That stance may change, but first the board would need to make a lot of changes

- fix the corporate governance by explicitly agreeing to abide by the Mauritian 
code of corporate governance
- concentrate on the core business (allocating ips!)
- be willing to be transparent and take questions from your members at an agmm 
about how you spend their money - no matter how tough those questions are
- fix the allocation process so you aren’t spending weeks and months waiting 
for things
- as the owner of the domain and branding of Afrinic lists - accept the fact 
that as the board ultimate responsibility for enforcing code of conduct is 
yours - inclusive of the RPD list
- demonstrate to the members the benefits of what our money is spent on - cut 
the stuff that is of no benefit to the members - and then use the cost 
reduction to cut the fees
- change the so called registered member structure such that the registered 
members of the company are legal entities separate from the board - so that at 
least there are entities with real power to hold the board to account
Finally - some how deal with the geopolitical/linguistic divides that currently 
split the PDP down the centre and have this community argue based on hard data 
and researched facts rather than supposition, hyperbole and emotional sentiment 
- to reduce the business risk posed by this behavior.

Maybe if all that happened - my personal stance on this would change - but 
until then - I just see money going into a pit and very little of value flowing 
out of that pit.  So no Noah, this is not just about more value from the 
organization and about money - it’s about fixing the organization - it is about 
mitigating what I personally believe is currently a liability on companies in 
our region - it’s about ensuring that what money is spent - is spent for the 
benefit of members and the core mandate.

So Noah - not more value for the same money - a fixed organization with less 
deviation from core mandate that charges less.  (Also remember - if a product 
costs X and you triple the cost of it because it contains feature Y, if no one 
wants feature Y - your cost increase may end up putting you out of business)


Liquid Telecommunications - Group Head Of IP Strategy
From: Noah <>
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018 11:57:11 PM
To: Andrew Alston
Cc: General Discussions of AFRINIC; AfriNIC Board of Directors' List
Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] Cotonou Meeting

On Thu, 21 Jun 2018 11:39 pm Andrew Alston, 
<<>> wrote:
Noah simple,

I think a lot of the members
What is a lot because I know who always ask what out of over 1500 members.... 

who spend a lot of time questioning AFRINIC and have lost faith and who are 
tired of paying inflated fees for little benefit

So its an issue of value for money.

For starters, all members do benefit from the AfriNIC INR they are 
allocated/assiged per each individual members request.

What do you reckon is lacking in terms of additional benefits some members are 
seeking from AfriNIC?

– would probably transfer out –

Not gonna happen from the grand scheme of things....
which would leave less people asking difficult questions that it is patently 
obvious people don’t want asked and the board patently obviously does not wish 
to answer
Could it be your approach?

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