Dear all

I one of the those who have spent a considerable amount of time in
preparing my application for the position of the AFRINIC  policy chair,
unfortunately, I didn’t get listed. Am sending this email just to clarify
and correct the situation as I believe NOMCOM is out to a good job

I checked my email today after being on holiday for Ramadan. Ramadan is a
period where Muslims fast and it can be stressful but it is a period I take
some time out of my stressful schedule to have a relationship with my
creator.  On checking my email  I realised my name was not on the
announcement list as a candidate (Slate) and I was shocked as I didn’t know
why this has happened. on one hand, I felt maybe NOMCOM felt I was not good
enough and I went on with my life.
Later in the day, I checked my junk email and found that an email was sent
earlier confirming the submission of my application asking for some
personal documents. The email address used was a Gmail account. This email
was sent last Sunday asking for the documents with a deadline for Monday.
So I was wondering if the mail has even come into the normal box NOMCOM
expected that candidates should provide personal information and documents
within ONE day. They forgot it’s a weekend and people might also be on
holiday. There was nothin asking me not to proceed on holiday after
submitting the application. All required documents should have been asked
during the application process. Again there was no reminder email. I
believe NOMCOM should have used an official account not a random Gmail
account to prevent filters seeing them as junk.
I have now provided all the documents that were requested and I believe the
application should be reconsidered
I have respect for NONCOM and its members but I just feel I needed to send
this so that NOMCOM can correct its mistakes as no one is perfect.
I think its also unfair if this is not corrected.
Candidates should be allowed to make their own decision to run or not as
long as they are eligible.
Furthermore, for the future, I would like to suggest the following
1.      All information required to verify a candidates eligibility should
be published well in advance of the nominating period.
2.      Candidates should be required to submit all of that information
within 30 days after being nominated, prior to the nominating committee’s
consideration of their candidacy.
3.      Requests for additional information from the nominating committee
should occur only in exceptional circumstances. In such a case, the request
shall give each candidate at least 10 days to respond.
4.      All communications between the nominating committee and candidates
should use an official address reserved for the nominating committee.

Thank you

* Abdulkarim A.Oloyede*.

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