Hi, community and PWG members

I noticed that lobbying for votes for afrinic BoD is being used to divert
attention  from serious issue raised by WAFA.  Enough has been said, but  I
wonder if I should condemn  Dewole, Afrinic pdp  cochair,  campaign  for
board candidates, using national NOG  list and turning AFRINIC board
election  to nationalism. (*l)
let be serious, show maturity and address real issues.

(*) http://abuja.forum.org.ng/pipermail/ngnog-discuss/2019-June/005259.html


On Thu, Jul 4, 2019, 07:30 Andrew Alston <andrew.als...@liquidtelecom.com>

> Badru,
> Yet again – you have not read my emails.
> *I fully the support the right to lobby in public forms*
> *I fully support the right of any individual to have their say*
> *I fully support the right of any member to change the rules using due
> process as defined*
> I have said this, over and over again.  I have also been very blunt about
> the fact that yes, I have lobbied, and I make no apology for that because I
> believe that the right to lobby in the pursuit of ones goals, and I believe
> that essentially, elections are political processes and democratic in
> nature, and democracy doesn’t work without that aspect of it.
> However, what I fundamentally disagree with – is misrepresentation of who
> we represent – something I have never done – and I fundamentally disagree
> with people who are in a directly conflicted position taking a stand which
> deepens that conflict, especially when the neutrality directly relates to
> things that affect this community.
> I will quote from one of the emails I sent – which was to an email list
> containing many members:
> I will quote from two separate emails that I have sent over the years to
> lobby in previous elections – these were sent to email lists that were not
> AfriNIC – they were not sent to individuals unsolicited – and there are
> many on this list who can attest to the accuracy of these emails.
> *Email 1:*
> *I am not going to tell any of you how to vote – What I tell you above is
> my perspective, and yes, its biased towards what I have seen and how well I
> know the candidates.  What I will say however, is that it is absolutely
> critical that the South African members get online and vote – or show up at
> the meeting and vote – or send proxies – whichever – but have your voice
> heard.  As we move into a time when v4 is running out (AfriNIC is into its
> final /8), and when we move into an environment where so much is changing
> with that runout – and particularly when we have managed to turn an
> organization around – we need to ensure that we have strong candidates that
> represent the community and can keep the organization alive.  Because
> without AfriNIC – without a registry – we end up in trouble – and no one
> really wants the alternative scenarios.*
> *So what I will ask is, look at the candidates, consider them not from a
> geo-political perspective, not from a linguistic perspective, but consider
> them on the merits and what they have achieved – and then vote as you
> feel.  Their CV’s are all online.*
> *Email 2:*
> *As such, for those of you who are opting to issue proxies and wish to
> issue proxies to myself or via myself, this is how I will be voting.  Those
> of you who are voting electronically, I encourage you when the slate comes
> out to study each and every candidate – but I am confident that what I have
> said above will ring true, and I ask every member of this list to get out
> there and use your vote, either for one of these candidates or otherwise
> one of the others when the slate comes out – but please, make sure you
> vote, either via proxy or via online or in person.  I cannot stress how
> many critical issues are going to come up in the next year or two, and
> without a strong and independent board we could face serious issues.*
> Both emails quote above are a matter of record for the world to see – and
> here is the major difference – a.) No where do I misrepresent who I am
> speaking for b.) I explicitly state – these are MY views, accept them or
> reject them, but – please vote – because its important to have your voice
> heard.  Had Wafa sent an email saying “Hi, I’m Wafa, and these are my
> specific views on each candidate, and this is why I will be voting the way
> that I am, and if you like these choices, feel free to vote with me, but if
> you don’t, still have your say in the way you see fit”, I would be here,
> backing her to the hilt – however, what I saw was a.) a misrepresentation
> by implication of who was represented and b.) a blatant display lacking of
> neutrality from the chair of the appeals committee – particularly in light
> of the PDP and the position of co-chair – and I believe that brings the
> integrity and neutrality of said appeals committee into question when it is
> critical that trust in that committee remains high, which is why I agree
> with Sander when he called for her to step down to maintain the integrity
> of the appeals process.
> So – I see no inconsistency with what I have said in the last 48 hours or
> what I have said, or done, over the years.  What I do see from you – yet
> again – is a highly selective reading of what I have said for your own
> purposes.
> Andrew
> *From:* Badru Ntege <badru.nt...@nftconsult.com>
> *Sent:* Thursday, 4 July 2019 07:03
> *To:* Andrew Alston <andrew.als...@liquidtelecom.com>; wafa DAHMANI <
> w...@ati.tn>; Paschal Ochang <pascos...@gmail.com>
> *Cc:* community-discuss <community-discuss@afrinic.net>
> *Subject:* Re: [Community-Discuss] [rpd] Lobbying Allegations against
> Wafa Dahmani
> Andrew
> The archives of a number of mailing lists you belong to have many similar
> emails authored by you prior to elections.  We have also seen emails by you
> asking an entire community of ISPA not once but a number of times to act in
> a particular way.
> Supporting a particular slate of candidates is not new in AfriNIC nor is
> it new any election.
> And when you talk about neutrality ???  its like the Kettle calling the
> Pot Black.
> Anyone in our bottom up position is free to lobby for a particular
> outcome.
> As a board member you also lobbied and also ferried people to AGMM’s to
> strengthen your number of positions.  (you have denied this many times so
> lets call it a standing allegation)
> The AfriNIC membership  time and time have shown their ability to make up
> their minds in elections after listening to many different views either
> shared on the floor by candidates, in the corridors by supporters on
> through email.
> I see nothing wrong here at the moment.
> However, if the community thinks that something has to change we also have
> mechanisms in place to make the necessary changes to course correct.
> Regards
> [image: signature_1558140432] [image: signature_1470109083]
> *From: *Andrew Alston <andrew.als...@liquidtelecom.com>
> *Date: *Wednesday, July 3, 2019 at 8:16 PM
> *To: *wafa DAHMANI <w...@ati.tn>, Paschal Ochang <pascos...@gmail.com>
> *Cc: *community-discuss <community-discuss@afrinic.net>
> *Subject: *Re: [Community-Discuss] [rpd] Lobbying Allegations against
> Wafa Dahmani
> Wafa,
> While I agree you have the right to campaign for anyone you so please –
> and I believe that is very much the case –
> a.)    Your email was read as an implication that the ASO was supporting
> said candidates – which I don’t think anyone believes – and the question
> has been asked in multiple regions to clarify this
> b.)    As a member of the appeal committee – you have to maintain a
> position of total neutrality – this email clearly demonstrates that you are
> in no way neutral on issues inside the PDP – since it advocates for the
> election of co-chairs with no reasons given why – and requests immediate
> mobilization to meet “our strategy”.  This email casts serious aspersions
> on the neutrality of the appeals committee.
> Furthermore – can you please clarify to this list – what exactly is this
> strategy and who owns this strategy – you email in this regard was explicit
> – there is a strategy – it is held by multiple individuals outside of the
> purview of the general community – and it concerns the placement of members
> of the board and the PDP – and I think it is only fair that if lobbying is
> being done – it is transparent and open – and as such – I would like to
> know what this strategy is and where it comes from.
> This email however, was entirely and totally unacceptable in my eyes – NOT
> because you lobbied – I believe as I have said many times that this is your
> right.  It is unacceptable because it implies positions on behalf of other
> groups who I for one do not believe share that position, it is unacceptable
> because it is a clear indication of lack of neutrality in a context where
> neutrality is required, and coming on the heels of what I view as a blatant
> and unfounded attack on a non-profit foundation – well – it really
> highlights certain things.
> So again – myself, and I am sure others, would like to know about this
> strategy and who “our” is in the context of ths.
> Thanks
> Andrew
> *From: *wafa DAHMANI <w...@ati.tn>
> *Date: *Wednesday, 3 July 2019 at 18:50
> *To: *Paschal Ochang <pascos...@gmail.com>
> *Cc: *community-discuss <community-discuss@afrinic.net>
> *Subject: *Re: [Community-Discuss] [rpd] Lobbying Allegations against
> Wafa Dahmani
> Hello All,
> I can campaign for anyone and its perfectly normal and I was speaking in
> my personal behalf.
> I understand that my salutations can be confusing, but I sent this email
> in my personal capacity.
> Being a volunteer at ASO - AC does not strip me off my rights to my
> personal opinions nor does it mean I can not campaign for my preferred
> candidates.
> In anycase, the ASO - AC has its own procedures and communication channels.
> Wafa Dahmani
> Member AFRINIC Appeal Committee
> Global IGF MAG member
> ASO / AC excom member
> ------------------------------
> *De: *"Paschal Ochang" <pascos...@gmail.com>
> *À: *"community-discuss" <community-discuss@afrinic.net>, "rpd" <
> r...@afrinic.net>
> *Envoyé: *Mercredi 3 Juillet 2019 16:09:18
> *Objet: *[rpd] Lobbying Allegations against Wafa Dahmani
> Hello all, this was posted under the thread of allegations against Larus
> Foundation so I did the honors of opening it as separate thread so that
> this two issues can be dealt with separately. This was posted as an
> allegation towards Wafa and the mail displays a act of lobbying. Can this
> honorable community be clarified on this allegations please.
> Dear,
>  My name is Wafa Dahmani from Tunisia, an active member of the African
> community and more specifically AFRINIC: member of the appeal committee;
> ASO / AC excom member and Ex Chair of Governance Committee '(GC) at AFRINIC.
> I contact you to solicit your votes for the following candidates:
> Board of Directors:
> North Africa (seat 1)
> Habin Youssef
> West Africa (seat 2)
> Ly Ousmane
> South Africa (seat 5)
> Mpisane Vika William
> East Africa (seat 6)
> Nkusi Robert Ford
> Non-regional (seat 7)
> Eshun Benjamin Adzenyamebeye
> Election Number Resource Organization Number Council
> Mustapha Ben Jemaa
> Election Policy Development Working Group
> Komi Elitcha
> Sami Hassan
> Election Governance Committee
> Daniel Nanghaka
> Ladies and Gentlemen, in the context of our strategy  and in order to
> preserve AFRINIC's interests for Africa and to be able to choose the right
> candidates for North Africa in the long term, it is desirable to join all
> our efforts and vote for these candidates who presents the best choice for
> an adequate board
> the de facto vote online through your interface with AFRINIC is very
> simple for all categories except the policy development Working group where
> we want you to mobilize your teams on the spot to vote for our candidates
> We strongly solicit your support
> Thank you
> Wafa Dahmani
> member AFRINIC Appeal Committee
> Global IGF MAG member
> ASO / AC excom member
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