Dear Community,

Our goodwill advocates have sighted an email message from the recently 
appointed and current NomCom chair to his favorite private mailing list in 
South Africa soliciting applications from the country in question.

As a community, we have a few questions to ensure fairness in terms of 
recruitment of people based on merit and most importantly diversity.

1. Would the NomCom please share announcements equally well across other 
African countries to the same extent as the NomCom chair is doing for 
specifically South Africa?

2. Is this a personal act or was this done in his capacity as the NomCom chair 
where utmost objective neutrality is expected.

3. The said message asks for more South African representation even though it 
indicates SA already has a seat.

Does this show some level of bias from the chairman of NomCom.

4. The said email indicates that the best way to influence the organization 
(meaning AfriNIC) is by getting involved and appeals for people on the said 
list to do so.

This shows intent of bias focused on a specific country with aim of control 
while  development is totally forgotten.


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