[Version en français au bas]

Dear Colleagues,

This community mailing list was designed with the purpose of conducting healthy 
discussions between AFRINIC members and non-members alike around AFRINIC and 
its related activities.

The list is not subject to any moderation or censorship as we trust that the 
community at all times acts according to the guidelines agreed upon in the code 
of conduct. 

However any behavior deemed as offensive, discriminatory, intimidating or that 
includes personal attacks will not be tolerated and will be dealt with 
according to the process laid out in the code of conduct.

You are all hereby reminded to abide by the AFRINIC Code of Conduct when 
interacting with the AFRINIC community at all times.

I urge you all to read this to make sure you are up to date on our code of 
conduct and the processes that safeguard the discussion and community-driven 
policies at the heart of AFRINIC.  https://www.afrinic.net/code 

Ashil Oogarah

On behalf of the AFRINIC Communications and PR Team


Chers collègues,

Cette liste de diffusion communautaire a été conçue dans le but de mener des 
discussions saines entre les membres et les non-membres de l'AFRINIC autour de 
l'AFRINIC et de ses activités connexes.

La liste n'est soumise à aucune modération ou censure car nous sommes 
convaincus que la communauté agit à tout moment selon les directives convenues 
dans le code de conduite. 

Cependant, tout comportement jugé offensant, discriminatoire, intimidant ou qui 
inclut des attaques personnelles ne sera pas toléré et sera traité selon le 
processus établi dans le code de conduite.

Il vous est rappelé à tous de respecter le code de conduite AFRINIC dans vos 
interactions avec la communauté AFRINIC à tout moment.

Je vous invite tous à lire ceci pour vous assurer que vous êtes à jour sur 
notre code de conduite et les processus qui sauvegardent la discussion et les 
politiques communautaires au cœur de l'AFRINIC. https://www.afrinic.net/code 

Ashil Oogarah

Au nom de l'équipe Communications et RP d'AFRINIC

> On 23 Dec 2020, at 17:07, Emem William <dwizar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Ronald,
> Thanks for the information.
> In your comprehensive routing data, I noticed that the following name stands 
> out quite often, PEG Tech Inc. It seems like they are providing a lot of 
> route to those ranges. I am wondering if you have done any research about 
> them?
> Also why is Seacom still routing stolen AFRINIC IP? As you have rightfully 
> pointed out https://bgp.he.net/AS26754#_graph4 
> <https://bgp.he.net/AS26754#_graph4> , they seem to be the only upstream 
> provider that still routes Afrinic’s stolen IP.
> Cheers,
> Emem William
> On Wed, Dec 23, 2020, 02:23 Ronald F. Guilmette <r...@tristatelogic.com 
> <mailto:r...@tristatelogic.com>> wrote:
> In message <mp9igyd--...@tuta.io <mailto:mp9igyd--...@tuta.io>>, 
> lib...@tuta.io <mailto:lib...@tuta.io> wrote:
> >Ronald F Guilmette are you a real person or using some fake name?
> I am a real person and this is my real name.
> Who are YOU?  An what is YOUR real name?
> >You are like ghost on internet.Do you have any linkedin profile or company?
> That is correct.  I am indeed a "ghost" as regards to social media.  And
> that is certainly by intent.
> Unlike most people these days, I have always been concerned with my
> personal privacy, and thus, unlike most people these days, I have
> elected NOT to splatter out my entire life story onto the Internet
> for people I don't know to snoop on.
> If anyone wants to know anything about me, they can ask me.
> >I am wondering if you are not LIR or member of Afrinic then why are you even
> >part of this community mailing list or why you are taking so much interest
> >in community mailing list?
> I am so glad you asked.
> Here in the United States, there has been a long running TV ad campaign
> that promotes tourism to the city of Las Vegas, Nevada.  The tag line
> contained in each of these TV commericals is well known here... "What
> happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."  (The idea being sold is that people
> can go to Las Vegas, act crazy, and tnen go back to their hometowns
> without anyone there knowing about their crazy behavior in "Vegas".)
> Unfortunately, what happens in the African part of the Internet most
> definitely DOES NOT stay just in the African part of the Internet.  It
> spills out and affects me here, 10,000+ miles and entire oceans away.
> Such is the nature of the Internet, in case you are not aware.
> It has REPEATEDLY been the case that stolen or squatted AFRINIC administered
> IPv4 address blocks have been used, both to spam me and to try to hack me,
> and also and likewise, probably hundreds of millions more Internet users,
> all around the world.
> I am not amused.  And thus, whether I like it or not, I have been effectively
> -foerced- to pay attention to the crap coming out of "African" IP address
> space.
> I sincerly wish it were otherwise.  And I wish that AFRINIC would clean
> up all of this crap, once and for all, and stop allowing crooks from
> Israel, the Netherlands, India, and the U.S. to make Africans all appear
> to be either corrupt or incompetent or both.  (I know this is not the
> case, but I am still looking for the Africans who will stand up for
> principal and not allow non-African foreigners to effectively defecate
> all over AFRINIC and its global reputation.)
> I started publicly reporting on the skulduggery taking place within the
> AFRINIC region in the summer of 2016.  I have now been waiting for nearly
> four and half years for someone with guts to step forward,  do the Right
> Thing, and clean up this colossal mess.  I am still waiting.
> >There are thousands of members in this list you are just spamming everyone
> >with your findings.
> Others may disagree.
> >Who cares who is doing what? This is something between Afrinic and its 
> >members.
> See above.  It is *not* just between Afrinic and its members.  What happens
> in Africa DOES NOT stay within Africa.
> The incompetence and corruption within AFRINIC has allowed an entire planet's
> worth of Internet users... several billion people... to get repeatedly
> hacked and spammed.  And it is still doing so even as we speak.
> Who exactly has an interest in preserving that unfortnate status quo?
> You, apparently.
> Which brings me back to the question I raised above... Who are you really?
> Regards,
> rfg
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