On Thu, 24 Dec 2020, 01:02 Ronald F. Guilmette, <r...@tristatelogic.com>

> In message <CAEqgTWaqvu9RLpxrTi4q=
> wddrabazo4rx9qof1mcbkug4m+...@mail.gmail.com>
> Noah <n...@neo.co.tz> wrote:
> rfg> Please note that Ernest Byaruhanga is still enjoying some of his
> rfg> stolen AFRINIC space,
> >
> >
> >You have repeated the above quite a lot in all your emails...
> I might be mistaken, but I don't believe so.  In fact, I don't believe
> that I have previously mentioned these blocks... which appear to me to
> be in use by a party or parties who may or may not be Ernest Byaruhanga...

Ok Ronald noted.....

to anyone at all, except for maybe Jan Vermeulen.

And who the heck is Jan Vermeulen now?


There's quite a lot of sordid details that
> I know about, and I've only publicly disclosed a subset of those.

Please do this community a final favor and publish all details rather than
just subsets of your research.

This would help AFRINIC add to the pile of already misappropriated IPv4
space they are currently looking at.
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