I would like to invite the community to stop responding to the CI Staff on
this matter.  I have the impression that they are using us to find
fallacious arguments to use against Afrinic while seeking to stuff our
heads with their mistaken and incongruous understanding of Afrinic's
texts.  The case is before justice, we just have to support Afrinic and
ignore the henchmen of CI in their games of destruction and lies.

French :

Je voudrais inviter la communauté à ne plus répondre au Staff de CI sur
cette affaire. J'ai l'impression qu'il nous utilise pour trouver des
arguments fallacieux à utiliser contre Afrinic tout en cherchant à nous
bourrer le crâne deleur compréhension erronée et incongrue des textes
d'Afrinic. L'affaire est devant la justice, soutenons Afrinic et ignorons
les sbires de CI à leur jeux de destruction et de mensonge.



Le sam. 31 juil. 2021 à 18:54, Owen DeLong via Community-Discuss <
community-discuss@afrinic.net> a écrit :

> > On Jul 30, 2021, at 23:27 , Ish Sookun <ish.soo...@lasentinelle.mu>
> wrote:
> >
> > Not only this situation allowed to us to know who is supporting AFRINIC
> but
> > also bring forward those who would not hesitate to destroy the
> organization
> > for commercial end.
> >
> I think you are confused. Certainly, at no point have I sought the
> destruction of
> AFRINIC. Indeed, any potential destruction of AFRINIC is the direct result
> of the
> inevitable reaction when AFRINIC sought to destroy another company and that
> company availed itself of the legal system in defense of its contractual
> rights.
> Had AFRINIC stuck to its governing documents as written, rather than
> choosing
> to invent restrictions which are not codified therein and use those as an
> artifice
> to take adverse action against a resource member, there would be no basis
> for any of the current legal claims by Cloud Innovation.
> I still do not seek the destruction of AFRINIC, but rather the correction
> of its
> behaviors. While I am not a fan of some of the things Cloud Innovation has
> done, I see an RIR that does not operate according to its governing
> documents
> as a much greater threat to the community than anything any resource member
> has or could do.
> Owen
> > Regards,
> >
> > --
> > Ish Sookun
> >
> > On Friday, 30 July 2021 22:49:36 +04 Sami Salih wrote:
> >> Thanks Noah this is really important, we need to know who is supporting
> our
> >> organization in this hard time.
> >>
> >> Get Outlook for
> >> Android<https://aka.ms/AAb9ysg>
> >>
> >> ________________________________
> >> From: Noah <n...@neo.co.tz>
> >> Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 2:35:38 PM
> >> To: AfriNIC Discuss <members-disc...@afrinic.net>; General Discussions
> of
> >> AFRINIC <community-discuss@afrinic.net> Subject: [Community-Discuss]
> South
> >> Africa ISPA Statement on Recent AFRINIC developments
> >>
> >> Dear Members and the wider AFRICAN Community.
> >>
> >> I note that the ISP Association of South Africa has made a public
> statement
> >> as well following TISPA'S public statement on recent AFRINIC
> developments.
> >>
> >> I thought it was important to share the same with the rest of you in
> case
> >> you missed this important message since ISPA South Africa represents the
> >> large voice of AFRINIC members in South Africa.
> >>
> >> So for those who are trying to show doubt that there is a loss of
> confidence
> >> in AFRINIC, the statement from ISPA-ZA should show you all that the
> >> industry representative body for ISPs in South Africa does not suffer
> from
> >> a loss of faith in AFRINIC.
> >>
> >> You can read the important statement via the link below.
> >>
> >>
> https://ispa.org.za/press_releases/ispa-statement-on-recent-afrinic-developments
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >> Noah
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> > Community-Discuss mailing list
> > Community-Discuss@afrinic.net
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