Le mar. 3 août 2021 à 23:09, Ronald F. Guilmette <r...@tristatelogic.com> a
écrit :

> In message <
> cagdmr_cl96mmufnsdq8k2pssdrsyw1jiz_k2nshisybe7s5...@mail.gmail.com>
> Arnaud AMELINA <ameln...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >As I said before, history knows who were in the place when all resources
> >were provided to CI. After some research, we can summarize as follows:
> >
> >Adiel was not the ceo who allocated all the numbers and we can see how the
> >allocations went 1st /12  2nd /12 and then the 1st /11 and 2nd /11 and all
> >this happened within a 12 months time frame!
> I'm sorry, but your information is just not accurate.  The version history
> of each block provides the correct information about the original
> allocation dates, and it is as follows:
>     2013-07-24 --
>     2014-12-01 --
>     2015-12-22 --
>     2016-09-23 --
> Do you disagree with this timeline?  If so, on what basis?

No you're right on this one, thanks for the correction, apologize fort the

> Th names of board members or board chairmen on these dates is perfectly
> irrelevant because the board never reviewed any of these allocations,
> or any of the documents or other materials that were used to justify them.
> The allocations were all made as a result of "staff" decisions, not the
> board.

You can't be totally sure on this one, because it was the period we saw the
Board playing the CEO Prerogatives, and entering in the micromanagement of
AFRINIC, remember.

> The first two of these allocations were granted under CEO Akplogan, who
> did not leave his CEO position until January 31, 2015:
>     https://afrinic.net/20140917-ceo-adiel-akplogan-resign

I'm OK with this one too, but he already resigned before the allocation,
isn't it?

> The two later allocations were granted under CEO Barrett.

If do so, how come New CEO gave 2 of /11 in such a short time?

> ALL of the allocations were made during a time period when Ernest
> Byaruhanga
> was a high-ranking officer of AFRINIC.

You're right on this one too.

> In my opinion, -all- of these allocations are suspect, and they are made
> moreso because neither Lu Heng nor his apparent primary spokesman here,
> Owen DeLong, has seen fit to share with any of us any of the materials or
> documentation that was used to provide the required justifications for
> any of these allocations -originally- even though it is 100% clear that
> all such records, dating back nearly five years ago to over eight years
> ago, are no longer in any sense relevant to Cloud Innovation's -current-
> business model or business operations.
> The time for dark secrets is over.  Lu Heng has elected to try his case
> on the mailing lists and in the press.  OK.  Fine.  Then let's do that.
> The question of whether or not Lu Heng's -current- usage of his IP space
> does or does not meet acceptable criteria is irrelevant if his -original-
> justifications for the space were in any way inadequate or less than
> truthful.  So let's see those original justifications and let the people
> decide whether or not Lu Heng even deserved to be granted this much IPv4
> space in the first place.
> Only Lu Heng can give us those original justification documents, if he so
> chooses.  AFRINIC is still bound by confidentiality rules and thus cannot
> legally provide them to any party outside of AFRINIC.
> Regards,
> rfg
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