I myself only took an interest in AFRINIC starting about 2016.  I have
been hunting down snoweshoe spammeers since about 2004, but mostly, and
until recently, those tended to stay within either ARIN or RIPE IP space,
so I wasn't really motivated to learn much about the history of AFRINIC
until 2016, when I noticed some things relating to the routing of IP
space that concerned me.  Prior to that, I knew essentially zero about
AFRINIC or about the people and discussion that took place here prior
to that (i.e. prior to 2016).

More recently of course, I have had some reason to take an interest, as
I believe you all know.

Having not been around or on any of the AFRINIC mailing lists before
2016, I am now finding it a facinating exercise to go back and look
at some of the mailing list archives (e.g. for the RPD list) prior to
2016.  I've already found a number of very enlightening and illuminating
archived posts from the pre-2016 era, but the following one really sort
of jumped out at me.  In it, one particular persono (who I think we all
know) directly accused another person (who I also think we all know) of
being a "fraud"... his word, not mine... for having given a false physical
location while attempting to run for what I gather was a (co-?) chair seat
on the AFRINIC Policy Development Committee.

I am not persuaded that the poster in this case would be eager to repeat
that claim now, given his rather different present circumtances.



P.S.  It is my forlorn hope that I might yet live to see the day when the
many the knuckleheads who post to public RIR mailing lists might yet come
to be educated regarding the value of wrapping the lines of their mailing
list posts at 80 columns, e.g. so that readers of the archives will not
be obliged to do vertical scrolling for miles in order to read any one
of their posts in the archives.

But of course, some people are just too lazy to give a damn about anything
but their own personal convenience, and they are fundamentally un-educatable.

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