In message 
Andrew Alston <> wrote:

>AfriNIC has a contingent liability on their books of $50m dollars right now ?
>and a net worth far below that.
>Incurring any further debt - with no guarantee of success in the court case -
>may be classified as reckless trading.


Being, as you are, human, the odds are exceptionally high that you will
eventually and inevitably fall ill and die.

Knowing this, have you properly prepared by investing in a casket for
yourself?  If not, and if you have been spending your money on other
things, may we likewise say that you are involved in "reckless trading"?


P.S.  Of course, I jest.  Your situation, and specifically your inevitable
mortality, is not at all comparable to the present situation of AFRINIC.
Like it or not, *you* will most certainly die at some point.  AFRINIC?
Maybe not so much.  It follows then that any lack of adequate planning
on your part must thus be judged to be a rather worse offense against your
heirs and assigns than any similar lack on the part of AFRINIC.

AFRINIC may yet possibly not die.  You however most certainly will, in the
fullness of time, as will I, and also all those who read these words.

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