Fren h version

Hummmm! Chers membres de la communauté,

C'est très intéressant de constater que Notre cher Owen champion en
démonstration par la rhétorique, afin de prouver que sa compréhension des
choses est la meilleure et que toute autre interprétation relève
d'incompétence et où d'ignorance, serait devenu très silencieux, voir
fuyant devant une simple question nécessitant une simple réponse booléenne
(oui ou non) posée par John.

Maintenant il devient bègue, devant, là aussi de simples questions
nécessitant tout aussi de simples réponses booléennes, questions posées par

Notre cher, Monsieur je sais tout, brusquement, ne sais pas si.... Ou bien
il ne veut pas de prononcer sur une affaire pendante en justice...., donc
il devient sélectif en fonction de qui lui pose les questions, si c'est une
personne qui le connaît tres bien, il feinte et refuse de répéter une
réponse qu'il aurait donné... Bla Bla Bla....

On sait maintenant qui est qui et qui peut quoi. Un adage de chez nis
voisin de Côte d'Ivoire dit : "tu as Rencontré Garçon..."

Que ceux qui doutent maintenant se fassent une raison de comprendre mieux
la situation qui se présente et qu'ils se fassent leur idée sur qui

English version :

Hmmmm!  Dear community members,

 It is very interesting to note that Our dear Owen champion in
demonstration by rhetoric, in order to prove that his understanding of
things is the best and that any other interpretation is incompetent and
where ignorance, would have become very silent, see  fleeing from a simple
question requiring a simple Boolean answer (yes or no) posed by John.

 Now he becomes stutterer, in front of, again simple questions requiring
just as simple Boolean answers, questions asked by Ronald.

 Our dear, Mister, I know everything, suddenly, do not know if ... Or he
does not want to pronounce on a pending case ..., so he becomes selective
depending on who asks him the questions,  if it is a person who knows him
very well, he pretends and refuses to repeat an answer he would have given
... Bla Bla Bla ....

 We now know who is who and who can do what.  An adage from our neighbor in
Ivory Coast says: "to day you met a boy ..."

 Let those who are now in doubt find a reason to better understand the
situation at hand and make up their minds on who to support.


Le mar. 24 août 2021 à 16:14, Owen DeLong via Community-Discuss <> a écrit :

> >
> > I should begin by stating my assumptions, some or all of which may be
> wrong,
> > and asking Owen if he can either confirm or refute any of these,
> specifically:
> >
> >    a)  that the Lu Heng who is the current primary stockholder of Cloud
> >        Innocation, Ltd.  (Seychelles) which is currently involved in
> >        litigation against AFRINIC is the same Lu Heng who previously was
> >        the registrant of certain IPv4 address blocks within the RIPE
> region,
> >        and...
> >
> >    b)  that this same Lu Heng is or was also the prmary stockholder of
> >        another company referred to in RIPE records as ORG-HLTA1-RIPE
> >        aka "Wu Han YunWaiHeng information Technology, Co,Ltd." (CN)
> >
> > Owen, would you disagree with either of the above two
> assumptions/assertions
> > on my part?
> Regarding a, I can only state that it is my understanding from Lu that he
> once held space in RIPE. Beyond that, I lack sufficient knowledge to either
> confirm or deny your assertion.
> I have no knowledge base on which I could confirm or deny anything about b,
> so I don’t know how to answer your question there as I lack the necessary
> knowledge to agree or disagree with your assertion.
> > Assuming that the answer is "no" on both counts, then I have just a
> couple
> > of additional questions for Owen relating to the following simple
> timeline
> > that I put together which, I believe, shows events relating to the
> various
> > RIPE-region IPv4 allocations that are or were associated with the
> organisation
> > handle ORG-HLTA1-RIPE:
> Since I can neither answer yes or no completely to either of your
> questions,
> this assertion fails and I therefore presume that the remaining questions
> are not relevant.
> Owen
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