It’s really good to hear this!

“Shame to bad pipu!” as dem dey talk am for our side. 😏

Sent from a mobile device

> On Aug 25, 2021, at 19:31, AFRINIC Communication <> wrote:
> Dear Community,
> Please see a message that was shared with members earlier.
> Kind regards,
> AFRINIC Communications
>> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: AFRINIC Communication <>
>> Subject: Fwd: [members-discuss] Legal update Aug 25th 2021 - with translation
>> Date: 25 August 2021 at 22:25:19 GMT+4
>> To: members-discuss <>
>> [French, Arabic and Portuguese versions below]
>> Dear Members,
>> AFRINIC is pleased to inform you that, in regard to its application made 
>> last week whereby it sought the removal of the existing Provisional 
>> Attachment Order or alternatively, a reduction of the amount of money frozen 
>> in its bank accounts, the matter was called before the Honourable Judge in 
>> Chambers of the Supreme Court of Mauritius this morning and whilst its 
>> prayer for the removal of the Provisional Attachment Order has not been 
>> acceded to at this stage, more so that it is connected to another 
>> substantive case for the validation of the said attachment order, yet the 
>> Learned Judge has acceded to AFRINIC's prayer to have access to part of its 
>> funds so as to meet its vital expenses for the months of July & August 2021. 
>> Thus today's outcome is a huge relief for AFRINIC as it will be able to pay, 
>> amongst others, the salaries of its staff for the month of August as well as 
>> those staff who could not get paid in July. 
>> As regards all other connected cases, we assure you that AFRINIC is pursuing 
>> its defence against all claims made by Cloud Innovation and we hold full 
>> confidence in the justice system. 
>> Still, if the validation case is not resolved expeditiously, do note that 
>> AFRINIC will have to renew its prayer for access to its funds before the 
>> Learned Judge for the purposes of meeting its vital expenses for the month 
>> of September 2021.
>> We rely on your usual understanding and support.
>> Kind regards,
>> Eddy Kayihura 
>> Chief Executive Officer 
>> ……………………………..
>> Chers Membres,
>> AFRINIC a le plaisir de vous informer que  sa demande faite la semaine 
>> dernière, quant à l’annulation de l'ordonnance de saisie provisoire 
>> existante ou, alternativement, une réduction du montant du gel sur ses 
>> comptes bancaires, a été appelée devant l'honorable juge de la  chambre 
>> commerciale  de la Cour suprême de Maurice en ce jour. Et bien que notre  
>> demande d’annulation de l'ordonnance de saisie provisoire n'ait pas été 
>> acceptée à ce stade, vue qu'elle est liée à l’affaire de fond encore 
>> pendante, le juge a néanmoins accédé à la demande d'AFRINIC d'avoir accès à 
>> une partie de ses fonds afin de faire face à ses dépenses vitales relatives  
>> aux mois de juillet et août 2021.
>> Ainsi, cette décision  du Juge  est un énorme soulagement pour AFRINIC qui 
>> pourra honorer, entre autres, les salaires de son personnel du mois d'août 
>> ainsi que ceux impayés en juillet.
>> En ce qui concerne toutes les autres affaires connexes encore pendantes, 
>> nous voulons vous assurer qu'AFRINIC maintient et améliore  sa défense 
>> contre toutes les réclamations faites par Cloud Innovation et tout en 
>> faisant  une pleine confiance dans le système judiciaire.
>> Cependant si notre demande d’annulation de l’ordonnance de saisie provisoire 
>> n'est pas traitée rapidement, AFRINIC devra soumettre une nouvelle demande 
>> d'accès à ses fonds devant le juge afin de faire face à ses dépenses 
>> relatives  au mois de septembre 2021.
>> Nous vous remercions  pour votre compréhension et votre soutien continu.
>> Eddy Kayihura
>> Directeur General
>> ………………………………………………..
>> الأعضاء الأعزاء ،
>> يسر AFRINIC أن تعلمكم أنه فيما يتعلق بطلبها الذي قدمته الأسبوع الماضي والذي 
>> سعت بموجبه إلى إلغاء أمر الحجز المؤقت الحالي أو ، بدلاً من ذلك ، تخفيض مبلغ 
>> الأموال المجمدة في حساباتها المصرفية ، فقد تم استدعاء الأمر أمام المحترم. 
>> قاضي في غرف المحكمة العليا لموريشيوس هذا الصباح وأثناء صلاته من أجل إزالة 
>> أمر الحجز المؤقت لم يتم الانضمام إليه في هذه المرحلة ، أكثر من كونه مرتبطًا 
>> بقضية موضوعية أخرى للمصادقة على أمر الحجز المذكور ومع ذلك ، وافق القاضي 
>> المتعلم على صلاة AFRINIC للوصول إلى جزء من أموالها لتغطية نفقاتها الحيوية 
>> لشهري يوليو وأغسطس 2021.
>> وبالتالي ، فإن نتيجة اليوم هي مصدر ارتياح كبير لـ AFRINIC لأنها ستكون قادرة 
>> على دفع ، من بين أمور أخرى ، رواتب موظفيها لشهر أغسطس وكذلك الموظفين الذين 
>> لم يتمكنوا من الحصول على رواتبهم في يوليو.
>> فيما يتعلق بجميع القضايا الأخرى ذات الصلة ، نؤكد لك أن AFRINIC تتابع دفاعها 
>> ضد جميع الادعاءات المقدمة من Cloud Innovation ولدينا ثقة كاملة في نظام 
>> العدالة.
>> ومع ذلك ، إذا لم يتم حل قضية التحقق من الصحة على وجه السرعة ، يرجى ملاحظة 
>> أنه سيتعين على AFRINIC تجديد صلاتها للوصول إلى أموالها أمام القاضي المستفيد 
>> لأغراض تلبية نفقاتها الحيوية لشهر سبتمبر 2021.
>> نحن نعتمد على تفهمك ودعمك المعتاد.
>> إيدي كاييهورا
>> الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة AFRINIC
>> ……………..
>> Caros membros,
>> AFRINIC tem o prazer de informar que, relativamente ao seu pedido feito na 
>> semana passada, no qual pretendia a retirada da Ordem de Penhora Provisória 
>> existente ou, em alternativa, uma redução do montante de dinheiro congelado 
>> nas suas contas bancárias, a questão foi chamada esta manhã perante o 
>> Honorável Juiz das Câmaras do Supremo Tribunal das Maurícias e enquanto a 
>> sua oração para a retirada da Ordem de Penhora Provisória não foi acedida 
>> nesta fase, mais para que esteja ligado a outro caso substantivo para a 
>> validação da referida ordem de penhora, no entanto, o Juiz Learned aderiu à 
>> oração da AFRINIC para ter acesso a parte dos seus fundos de modo a fazer 
>> face às suas despesas vitais para os meses de Julho & Agosto de 2021.
>> Assim, o resultado de hoje é um enorme alívio para a AFRINIC, uma vez que 
>> poderá pagar, entre outros, os salários do seu pessoal para o mês de Agosto, 
>> bem como os do pessoal que não pôde ser pago em Julho.
>> No que diz respeito a todos os outros casos relacionados, asseguramos que a 
>> AFRINIC está a prosseguir a sua defesa contra todas as reivindicações feitas 
>> pela Cloud Innovation e temos plena confiança no sistema judicial.
>> Ainda assim, se o caso de validação não for resolvido rapidamente, note que 
>> a AFRINIC terá de renovar a sua oração para ter acesso aos seus fundos 
>> perante o Juiz Learned, com o objectivo de cobrir as suas despesas vitais 
>> para o mês de Setembro de 2021.
>> Contamos com a sua habitual compreensão e apoio.
>> Eddy Kayihura
>> Chefe do Executivo
>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Eddy Kayihura <>
>>> Subject: [members-discuss] Legal update Aug 25th 2021
>>> Date: 25 August 2021 at 21:47:04 GMT+4
>>> To: AfriNIC Discuss <>
>>> Dear Members,
>>> AFRINIC is pleased to inform you that, in regard to its application made 
>>> last week whereby it sought the removal of the existing Provisional 
>>> Attachment Order or alternatively, a reduction of the amount of money 
>>> frozen in its bank accounts, the matter was called before the Honourable 
>>> Judge in Chambers of the Supreme Court of Mauritius this morning and whilst 
>>> its prayer for the removal of the Provisional Attachment Order has not been 
>>> acceded to at this stage, more so that it is connected to another 
>>> substantive case for the validation of the said attachment order, yet the 
>>> Learned Judge has acceded to AFRINIC's prayer to have access to part of its 
>>> funds so as to meet its vital expenses for the months of July & August 
>>> 2021. 
>>> Thus today's outcome is a huge relief for AFRINIC as it will be able to 
>>> pay, amongst others, the salaries of its staff for the month of August as 
>>> well as those staff who could not get paid in July. 
>>> As regard all other connected cases, we assure you that AFRINIC is pursuing 
>>> its defence against all claims made by Cloud Innovation and we hold full 
>>> confidence in the justice system. 
>>> Still, if the validation case is not resolved expeditiously, do note that 
>>> AFRINIC will have to renew its prayer for access to its funds before the 
>>> Learned Judge for the purposes of meeting its vital expenses for the month 
>>> of September 2021.
>>> We rely on your usual understanding and support.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Eddy Kayihura 
>>> Chief Executive Officer 
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