Hi Owen,


I’ve been silent till now on till now on all this.


However, I must say that you’re right that they didn’t violate the CoC, they 
did something presumable worst which may constitute criminal offenses (slander, 
defamation, etc., I’m not sure what is the best way to translate it from my 
Spanish knowledge about legal language, maybe even several presumable illegal 
acts and not just one).


It is clear that the intent from those documents is to be misread, as they are 
partial and as such contain untrue information.


I just hope that AFRINIC is able to use all that in the actual case or even a 
new one if required.


Note that I don’t agree with all what the Board is doing, and I really believe 
they took very wrong decisions (I’m even still waiting from Board answers on 
policy proposals and PDP related discussions for months, with shows a very poor 
willingness from the Board to resolve issues and cooperate in a productive and 
efficient manner with the community), but also don’t agree that using partial 
documents is the way to go.








El 28/9/21 18:25, "Owen DeLong via Community-Discuss" 
<community-discuss@afrinic.net> escribió:


But the ones that produced and propagated the content didn’t violate your CoC 
either as they didn’t post it to your list.




On Sep 27, 2021, at 23:31 , AFRINIC Communication <co...@afrinic.net> wrote:


Dear Nigel,


We thank you for bringing this to our attention.


The message was not targeted towards you per se but rather those that produce 
and propagate such content within the AFRINIC membership and community.


We appreciate our community's kind understanding and support.




AFRINIC Communication

On 28 Sep 2021, at 08:48, Nigel Kukard <nkuk...@lbsd.net> wrote:



On 9/27/21 12:28, AFRINIC Communication wrote:
Dear community members,
AFRINIC has  taken note of a post together with a corresponding attachment that 
contains inaccuracies and presented out of context on this thread 
 and was aimed at causing damage and prejudice to AFRINIC as Regional Internet 
Registry for the African region.
I was complaining that I too were getting unsolicited mails in a thread that 
others were also complaining and providing samples. How is my post out of 

How is me complaining about getting unsolicited mails aimed at causing damage 
and prejudice to AFRINIC?

Why am I being publicly targeted and singled out?

AFRINIC wishes to inform its community that the information contained in the 
said attachment are presently the subject of several ongoing cases involving 
AFRINIC and Cloud Innovation Ltd as well as an ongoing police investigation in 
respect of a matter reported for misappropriation of IP number resources.
Yes, we know that. Your members are complaining about getting unsolicited 
communications involving email and phone calls and sharing this with each other 
on a COMMUNITY mailing list and discussing it.

 AFRINIC will not comment thereon but reserves its rights to apply its Code of 
Conduct against all persons making use of its mailing lists for the purposes of 
causing damage and harm to AFRINIC and to take such action as it may be advised.
Literally my second post, second complaint about getting unsolicited 
communications and I'm being threatened by AFRINIC with action because I'm 
causing damage and prejudice to AFRINIC?



We have also noticed that some community members are not upholding the code of 
conduct in their exchanges.
We urge you all to read the AFRINIC Code of Conduct to make sure you are up to 
date on the processes that safeguard the discussion and community-driven 
policies at the heart of AFRINIC.
The code of conduct ensures that discussions are kept professional and that 
individuals are protected against defamatory, derogatory and personal attacks.
Please read the following blog post for more information on the AFRINIC Code of 
Conduct: https://afrinic.net/20200903-code-of-conduct
AFRINIC Communication
On 26 Sep 2021, at 19:03, Sander Steffann <san...@steffann.nl> wrote:
Hi Omo,
Thanks.  I was trying to understand the dialogue between you and Lu and the 
"clarification".  How do you mean "may be of influence"?   
At AFRINIC meetings I have seen many cases where there was a lot of "steering" 
(people being sent to the microphones with pre-defined statements they didn't 
write themselves, but where it was pretended that it was their own opinion) 
which I have never seen at other RIRs. AFRINIC seems to be unique in the way 
there are plays for power and influence that are undermining the true bottom-up 
way, and people seem to accept this as normal. In other regions there is much 
less hierarchy (we have no CoE for example) and everybody is treated more 
The "power games" I have seen in AFRINIC at all levels (board, management, RPD, 
community) and the distrust between for example Anglophone and Francophone 
parts of the community make it very hard to run a true bottom-up system. Such 
behaviour in AFRINIC and its community make it very vulnerable to top-down 
influences, because the framework for such influences is already there.
PS: I am only part of the global internet community, not directly of the 
AFRINIC community. I can therefore only state how I see things from the 
outside. I am sure there are many things I interpret differently because of my 
different background. Please do not take offence, I only try to hold up a 
mirror. I have no personal, commercial or financial stake in AFRINIC, but I do 
care about the bottom-up principle and fairness. Those are the only reasons I 
speak up on AFRINIC mailing lists.


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