Congratulations!!! This is a great relief!

From: Eddy Kayihura <>
Date: Friday, 15 October 2021 at 13:59
To: Community Discuss <>
Subject: [Community-Discuss] Update on legal case - Freeze of Bank accounts

Dear Colleagues,

Please see the message below that was shared with our members.

Kind Regards

Eddy Kayihura M.
Chief Executive Officer
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) Ltd.
t: +230 403 51 00  |  tt: @afrinic  |<>

Vision: “A secure and accessible Internet for sustainable digital growth in 
Mission: “To serve the African Internet community by delivering efficient 
services in a global multi-stakeholder environment”
Values: EPIC (■ Excellence ■ Passion ■ Integrity ■ Community Driven)

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Begin forwarded message:

From: Eddy Kayihura <<>>
Subject: [members-discuss] Update on legal case - Freeze of Bank accounts
Date: 15 October 2021 at 14:53:03 GMT+4
To: AfriNIC Discuss 

Dear Colleagues,

We are happy to inform our stakeholders that there was a court hearing today 
with regard to our application for removal of the freezing order against 

The Court, after considering our application and the case initiated by Cloud 
Innovation Ltd, has declared the order null and void. In short, AFRINIC has won 
this case against Cloud Innovation Ltd.

There is another Appeal to be heard on 11 th November 2021. We will keep you 
informed of the outcome and we are quietly optimistic that justice will prevail.

Kind Regards,

Eddy Kayihura
Chief Executive Officer
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)<>


Chers Collègues,

Nous sommes heureux de vous informer qu'une audience a eu lieu aujourd'hui au 
tribunal concernant notre demande de levée de l'ordonnance de gel des comptes 

Le tribunal, après avoir examiné notre demande et l'affaire initiée par Cloud 
Innovation Ltd, a déclaré l'ordonnance nulle et non avenue. En bref, AFRINIC a 
gagné ce procès contre Cloud Innovation Ltd.

Un autre appel doit être entendu le 11 novembre 2021. Nous vous tiendrons 
informés du dénouement et nous sommes optimistes quant à la justice.


Eddy Kayihura
Directeur général
Le Centre d'information du réseau africain<>

زملائي الاعزاء،

يسعدنا إبلاغ أصحاب المصلحة لدينا أنه كانت هناك جلسة استماع اليوم فيما يتعلق 
بطلبنا لإزالة أمر التجميد ضد AFRINIC.

أعلنت المحكمة ، بعد النظر في طلبنا والقضية التي رفعتها شركة Cloud Innovation 
Ltd ، أن الأمر باطل ولاغٍ. باختصار ، فازت AFRINIC بقضيتها ضد Cloud Innovation 

هناك نداء آخر سيتم الاستماع إليه في 11 نوفمبر. سنبقيك على اطلاع بالنتيجة ونحن 
متفائلون بهدوء بأن العدالة ستسود.

AFRINIC للاتصالات


Caros colegas,

Temos o prazer de informar as nossas partes interessadas de que houve hoje uma 
audiência judicial relativamente ao nosso pedido de retirada da ordem de 
congelamento contra a AFRINIC.

O Tribunal, após considerar o nosso pedido e o processo iniciado pela Cloud 
Innovation Ltd, declarou a ordem nula e sem efeito. Em suma, a AFRINIC ganhou o 
seu processo contra a Cloud Innovation Ltd.

Há outro recurso a ser ouvido a 11 de Novembro de 2021. Manter-vos-emos 
informados sobre o resultado e estamos tranquilamente optimistas de que a 
justiça prevalecerá.


Eddy Kayihura
Chefe do Executivo
O Centro de Informação da Rede Africana<>

Vision: “A secure and accessible Internet for sustainable digital growth in 
Mission: “To serve the African Internet community by delivering efficient 
services in a global multi-stakeholder environment”
Values: EPIC (■ Excellence ■ Passion ■ Integrity ■ Community Driven)

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may also be privileged or otherwise protected by law. They are intended solely 
for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have 
received this email by error please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and 
delete this e-mail from your system. You are also notified that disclosing, 
copying, distributing, or taking any action in relation to its contents is 
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