
Perhaps how about you stop confusing transparency with democracy.


On Sun, 20 Feb 2022, 14:17 JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via Community-Discuss, <> wrote:

> Hi Arnaud,
> As explained, in my opinion, the basis of the democracy is transparency.
> You can’t trust a country being democratic if there is no transparency.
> We probably agree that after that trasparency, there are many other steps
> to build democracy, and that’s the reason why there are many ways to score
> the “democracy level” of different countries. My own country, Spain, is not
> in the best position and I countinuously fight in courts with the
> government and many instituions whenever I see anything is broken.
> But if the basis (transparency) is not there in something so simple as a
> monopoly accusation … we have a problem and with that, what I’m calling is
> the legal AFRINIC staff to consider making a call to the government to
> change that, or otherwise, consider if there are other African countries
> that will better satisfy the democracy levels that AFRINIC needs.
> Regards,
> Jordi
> @jordipalet
> El 18/2/22 22:37, "Arnaud AMELINA" <> escribió:
> Hi Jordi,
> What does democracy have to do with this? each country has its rules and
> as others said, AFRINIC and its lawyers should look for ways of disclosing
> their submission on this case.
> I do think Mauritius is more democratic than many countries on the
> continent where you live… they just have some practices all may  not like.
> --
> Arnaud
> Le jeu. 17 févr. 2022 à 15:49, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via Community-Discuss <
>> a écrit :
> I fail to understand how is possible, that a resolution from a public
> Competition Commission is not public, even redacting personal data if
> needed. In normal democratic countries, as I know, all those cases are
> published in their web site.
> AFRINIC legal staff must take care of that.
> Regards,
> Jordi
> @jordipalet
> El 17/2/22 15:59, "Mike Silber" <> escribió:
>     Thanks Eddy
>     There have been some interesting discussions on various lists
> regarding this issue.
>     To the extent that AFRINIC can share any of its submissions to the CCM
> [which were obviously persuasive], this will be appreciated and could close
> off any future discussion.
>     Regards
>     Mike
>     > On 17 Feb 2022, at 13:27, AFRINIC Communication <>
> wrote:
>     >
>     > Dear Colleagues,
>     >
>     > An anonymous complaint was lodged against AFRINIC in September 2021
> at the Competition Commission of Mauritius ("CCM") pertaining to alleged
> anti-competitive conduct on the part of AFRINIC with respect to the
> transfer of resources.
>     >
>     > The CCM had found no such restrictive business practice on the part
> of AFRINIC within the meaning of the Competition Act 2007; and the inquiry
> has been closed with no further action. This was documented in their letter
> dated 22 December 2021, Unfortunately however, we cannot publicly share the
> CCM’s letter.
>     >
>     > As a community driven membership based organisation, there are
> committees, working groups and processes set in place to address any issues
> that might need to be addressed.
>     >
>     > We shall continue to collaborate with all institutions, government
> or otherwise, and continue to deliver on our functions as responsible
> Regional Internet Registry.
>     >
>     >
>     > Kind Regards,
>     >
>     > Eddy Kayihura,
>     > Chief Executive Officer,
>     > African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)
>     >
>     >
>     > ………………………………………..
>     >
>     > Chers collègues,
>     >
>     > Une plainte anonyme a été déposée contre AFRINIC en septembre 2021
> auprès de la Competition Commission of Mauritius ("CCM") concernant un
> comportement anticoncurrentiel présumé de la part d'AFRINIC en matière de
> transfert de ressources.
>     >
>     > La CCM n'a trouvé aucune pratique commerciale restrictive de la part
> d'AFRINIC au sens de la loi sur la concurrence de 2007, et l'enquête a été
> classée sans suite. Ceci a été documenté dans leur lettre datée du 22
> décembre 2021, mais nous ne pouvons malheureusement pas partager
> publiquement la lettre de la CCM.
>     >
>     > En tant qu'organisation basée sur l'adhésion et dirigée par la
> communauté, des comités, des groupes de travail et des processus ont été
> mis en place pour répondre à toutes les questions qui pourraient être
> abordées.
>     >
>     > Nous continuerons à collaborer avec toutes les institutions,
> gouvernementales ou autres, et à remplir nos fonctions de Registre Internet
> régional responsable.
>     >
>     >
>     > Cordialement,
>     >
>     > Eddy Kayihura,
>     > Directeur général,
>     > Centre africain d'information sur les réseaux (AFRINIC)
>     >
>     >
>     > ………………………………………….
>     >
>     > زملائي الأعزاء،
>     >
>     > يسعدني أن أشارككم الحكم الصادر بالأمس ، 14 فبراير 2022 ، في قضية
> الاستئناف المرجع Cloud Innovation Ltd vs African Network Information Center
> (AfriNIC) Ltd.
>     >
>     > تم رفع هذه القضية ردًا على خطاب أرسلته AFRINIC إلى Cloud Innovation
> Limited بتاريخ 10 مارس 2021 وفقًا لأحكام اتفاقية خدمة التسجيل (RSA) حيث
> أكدت AFRINIC أن Cloud Innovation Ltd كانت ولا تزال تنتهك RSA.
>     >
>     > ينبع هذا الاستئناف من طلب Cloud Innovation Limited للأمر المؤقت ،
> والذي تم منحه في البداية لصالحها في 29 مارس 2021 ، ولكن بعد ذلك ألغاه
> القاضي الموقر في الدوائر في 07 يوليو 2021. استأنفت Cloud Innovation Limited
> ضد هذا الحكم ، و عُقدت جلسة الاستماع في 27 يناير 2022.
>     >
>     > لا شك أن هذا يعد معلمًا أساسيًا لـ AFRINIC ، ونود أن نشكر الفريق
> وأصحاب المصلحة لدينا على دعمهم المستمر.
>     >
>     > وببساطة ، فإن دائرة الاستئناف في المحكمة العليا لموريشيوس ، بعد أن
> نظرت في الحجج المقدمة من كلا الجانبين ، رفضت الاستئناف. بعبارة أخرى ، حازت
> AFRINIC على هذا النداء.
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > أطيب التحيات،
>     >
>     >
>     > إيدي كاييهورا ،
>     > الرئيس التنفيذى،
>     > المركز الأفريقي لمعلومات الشبكة (AFRINIC)
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > ………………………………………………
>     >
>     > Caros Colegas,
>     >
>     > Tenho o prazer de partilhar convosco o julgamento mais esperado e
> favorável para a AFRINIC proferido ontem, 14 de Fevereiro de 2022, no
> processo de recurso ref Cloud Innovation Ltd contra African Network
> Information Centre (AfriNIC) Ltd.
>     >
>     >
>     > Recordará que este recurso decorre do pedido de injunção provisória
> da Cloud Innovation Ltd, que foi inicialmente concedido a seu favor a 29 de
> Março de 2021, mas depois anulado pelo Meritíssimo Juiz das Câmaras a 07 de
> Julho de 2021. A Cloud Innovation Ltd tinha recorrido dessa sentença e a
> audiência teve lugar a 27 de Janeiro de 2022.
>     >
>     > Simplificando, a Divisão de Apelação do Supremo Tribunal das
> Maurícias, após ter considerado os argumentos de ambas as partes, indeferiu
> o recurso. Por outras palavras, a AFRINIC ganhou o recurso.
>     >
>     > Para vossa informação, é relevante acrescentar que este caso tinha
> começado na sequência da nossa carta datada de 10 de Março de 2021 emitida
> à Cloud Innovation Ltd, em conformidade com as disposições do Acordo de
> Serviço de Registo (RSA) segundo o qual a AFRINIC alegou que a Cloud
> Innovation Ltd estava, e continua a estar, em violação do RSA.
>     >
>     > Sem dúvida, este é um marco importante para a AFRINIC e gostaríamos
> de agradecer à equipa e às nossas partes interessadas pelo seu apoio
> continuado.
>     >
>     > Por outro lado, aproveito também esta oportunidade para informar que
> na sequência de uma queixa anónima apresentada contra a AFRINIC em Setembro
> de 2021 na Comissão da Concorrência das Maurícias ("CCM") relativa a uma
> alegada conduta anticoncorrencial por parte da AFRINIC no que diz respeito
> à transferência de recursos, pode observar que a CCM, por carta datada de
> 22 de Dezembro de 2021, não tinha encontrado tal prática comercial
> restritiva por parte da AFRINIC na acepção da Lei da Concorrência de 2007;
> e que o inquérito foi assim encerrado sem qualquer outra acção.
>     >
>     > Seja como for, continuaremos a colaborar com todas as instituições,
> governo ou não, e continuaremos a cumprir as nossas funções como Registo
> Regional da Internet responsável.
>     >
>     > Por razões óbvias de confidencialidade, não podemos partilhar uma
> cópia da carta do CCM. Contudo, é também lamentável observar que, em vez de
> levantar e abordar certas questões perante o fórum apropriado da AFRINIC,
> alguns consideram aceitável recorrer a queixas anónimas contra a AFRINIC,
> apesar desta última ser uma organização baseada em membros.
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > Cumprimentos,
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > Eddy Kayihura,
>     > Chefe do Executivo,
>     > Centro de Informação da Rede Africana (AFRINIC)
>     >
>     > _______________________________________________
>     > Community-Discuss mailing list
>     >
>     >
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