You can sign up to the hongkong based NRS petition (
https://www.nrs.help/petition) and stop lamenting.

You will need to convience 1/4 of resource members but that is if the
Administrative contacts of following African universities and Banks which
are resource members are aware of how they ended up on that list as major
members of your NRS.



On Mon, 25 Apr 2022, 17:20 ABDULKARIM OLOYEDE, <oloyede...@unilorin.edu.ng>

> Dear all,
> Having had time to digest the issue and to read the board's minutes, I can
> clearly see that there is some level of impunity and lawlessness going on
> in the AFRINIC Board. More especially I think the Board Chair has refused
> to apply wisdom in directing the affairs of the board.  First, I do not see
> any reason why the CEO's travel plan on some operational issues would now
> be a major subject of discussion of the board.  The CEO should simply
> inform the board as long as there is a budgetary provision for it. Why is
> the budget approved at the start of the year when the board wants to do the
> dad to day running of the organisation.
>  Secondly, it is obvious that 6 seats should be declared vacant.  the
> board cannot extend the seat of a member, It is simply a coup as described
> in the minute. The typical African way of doing things always looking for a
> third term then eventually it would turn to unlimited extension.  Funny
> enough the same board member voted in the process. I do not see how the
> board members would be allowed to vote on an issue that directly affects
> them. This same type of vote saved the board chair from a no-confidence
> vote. Please I do you expect the board chair to vote against himself? This
> is clearly a case of being a judge on one's case. You have two
> board members who stand to gain from a process and they are allowed to vote
> in deciding their faith. this is simply a no brainer as to how they would
> vote. cant you see the conflict of interest?
>  I do not understand the rationale for not declaring the other 3 seats for
> election. For example, the board member who died recently. The board wants
> to appoint a replacement rather than go for elections, this is simply
> corruption at the highest level.  We have always had elections to finish a
> term so I do not see this as a problem in asking for elections to complete
> the term. Appointments can only be made until the next available election.
> Also, the issue of not having a quorum is nonscience cos like it was
> mentioned ( in the minutes) it has happened before and it did not lead to a
> lack of quorum. All I can see is just an attempt by the board chair to hold
> on to power by appointing friends and associates onto the board and doing
> some board members a favour that would return at a later date.
>  I think it's time to take the board to court on this illegality as it
> seems that is the only language some members of the board understand.  I
> seek that we come together and fight this impunity before it consumes
> AFRINIC.  The lawlessness is just on another level.
> AK
> On Fri, Apr 8, 2022 at 11:25 AM AFRINIC Communication <co...@afrinic.net>
> wrote:
>> Dear Colleagues,
>> The NOMCOM thanks you so much for your important emails.
>> Please refer to the published Election Process for the year 2022 here;
>> https://afrinic.net/election-process/board/2022
>> In terms of the AFRINIC Bylaws 2020 section 9.3(ii) (b);
>> *The NOMCOM shall prescribe Criteria and Qualifications for eligibility
>> to stand as a candidate*.
>> In terms of Election Process for the year 2022 section 5 subsection 5.3,
>> paragraph 3;
>> *Before publishing the “criteria and qualifications”, NomCom shall submit
>> a draft to the Board for comments. Responsibility to set the criteria and
>> qualifications for eligibility to stand as a candidate lies with the
>> NomCom, but NomCom should consider the Board’s comments (if any).*
>> The NOMCOM welcomes all those who have already submitted their
>> nominations and encourages all resource members to participate in the
>> ongoing nomination process which shall close by 18th April 2022.
>> We submit.
>> NOMCOM 2022.
>> On 5 Apr 2022, at 21:57, Dewole Ajao via Members-Discuss <
>> members-disc...@afrinic.net> wrote:
>> Thanks for your kind response clarifying how the Seat 6 term ending came
>> to be changed from 2022 to 2023, Ashil.
>> *Dear AFRINIC Board,*
>> I have looked at the Board resolution at
>> https://www.afrinic.net/board/meeting/2022#r676 and my understanding is
>> that the Directors resolved to extend the tenure of a Director (to the best
>> of my knowledge,) without recourse to resource members.
>> Resolution 202202.676 states:
>> "WHEREAS Art.13.5 of the Bylaws provides for an elected Director to have
>> a tenure of 3 years;
>> WHEREAS the Board passed resolution no. 202009.568 to give the tenure of
>> the Board Seat 6 (Eastern Africa) a two-year term on 21 September 2020;
>> RESOLVED to reconcile the two years by extending the term of the
>> incumbent of Board Seat 6 (Eastern Africa) with one additional year in
>> order to comply with Art 13.5 of the Bylaws."
>> In reading through article 13.5 of the bylaws
>> https://www.afrinic.net/bylaws#b20-13 , I haven't found any portion that
>> empowers the board to extend its own tenure. While the action may have been
>> well-intended, I believe the approach taken gives quite a bit of concern.
>> Setting that aside for a moment, can we say conclusively that we have
>> solved the problem at hand or are we looking to again conduct elections and
>> magically change the members' mandates somewhere down the line? Is there a
>> better approach to solve the problem once and for all?
>> *Dear Governance Committee,*
>> Have you provided any advice to the Board on these matters? Were you
>> consulted at all by the Board? I can see how you could assume that this is
>> an "internal board proceeding" and is out of scope but it is not an
>> internal board matter but rather an "election or appointment process" as
>> affects the governance of the organization. This is within your terms of
>> reference at https://www.afrinic.net/govcom#tor
>> If you have provided advice and the Board chose not to follow the advice,
>> then as per 4.2.1 of the GovCom terms of reference, the Board's reasons for
>> declining such advice should have been published.
>> In addition to the above, it would be nice to hear from the Board and
>> NomCom on the queries raised earlier (hoping that anybody other than staff
>> is listening to the members).
>> Regards,
>> Dewole.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "comms" <co...@afrinic.net>
>> To: "dewole" <dew...@forum.org.ng>
>> Cc: "General Discussions of AFRINIC" <community-discuss@afrinic.net>,
>> "AfriNIC Discuss" <members-disc...@afrinic.net>
>> Sent: Monday, April 4, 2022 4:40:31 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] [members-discuss] Call for Nominations
>> for open AFRINIC Board of Directors Seat
>> Dear Mr Ajao,
>> Thank you for your query.  We understand your concern.
>> The information you pointed at is conform to the Board resolution
>> 202202.676 that was passed during a Board Meeting held on 2 March 2022 (
>> https://www.afrinic.net/board/meeting/2022#r676). The board resolution
>> was published  2 days after on 4 March as per normal procedures but the
>> update on the page of Board tenure was the one that was unfortunately
>> delayed.
>> We wish to appraise you that the Comms Team effectively received an
>> internal ticket on 31st March 2022 to update the website in this regard.
>> The update however was done on 2 April 2022 at 00:03.
>> We hope the above clarifies the issue of the delayed update on the
>> website.
>> Regards,
>> Ashil Oogarah
>> Communications Team Lead
>> On 4 Apr 2022, at 16:16, Dewole Ajao via Community-Discuss <
>> community-discuss@afrinic.net> wrote:
>> I’ve taken this to the community-discuss list because apparently I can’t
>> email the Board email address unless a moderator approves of it.
>> I’m also not sure if the NOMCOM members (or the Board) are on the
>> members-discuss mailing list (as I've not seen any acknowledgement from
>> them or the board either).
>> As at the time I wrote this email last Friday,
>> https://www.afrinic.net/board#current showed Seat 6 as being up for
>> renewal in June 2022. My attention has been drawn to the fact that it now
>> reads June 2023 along with Seat 3 and Seat 8. Seeing that the page was
>> "Last Modified on - 02 April 2022", and explanation is in order from the
>> Comms team or whomever it was that updated the content?
>> Thank you NOMCOM, Board, and Comms as you respond to my requests for
>> clarification above and below, please.
>> Many thanks,
>> Dewole.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Dewole Ajao <dew...@forum.org.ng>
>> To: comms <co...@afrinic.net>
>> Cc: AfriNIC Discuss <members-disc...@afrinic.net>, AfriNIC Board of
>> Directors' List <bo...@afrinic.net>
>> Sent: Fri, 01 Apr 2022 18:06:37 +0100 (WAT)
>> Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Call for Nominations for open AFRINIC
>> Board of Directors Seat
>> Thanks for the announcement and for the work you are putting in, NOMCOM
>> 2022. I have a few questions/comments/observations that I'd appreciate some
>> help getting clarity on, please.
>> 1. I notice that the proposed election timetable starts with a call for
>> nominations with date of 21st March 2022 (but today is 1st April, 2022).
>> Typographical error perhaps?
>> 2. Your announcement contains the following statement: " In order to have
>> more inclusivity and diversity on the AFRINIC Board, women and persons with
>> disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply as nominees for all the open
>> Seats, but especially for Seat 7 (Region-Independent) and will be highly
>> ranked above all others."
>> Could NOMCOM please help the membership better understand what the NOMCOM
>> means by ranking some nominees highly above others in a democratic process,
>> please?
>> 3. I went over to [ https://www.afrinic.net/board#current |
>> https://www.afrinic.net/board#current ] and found that with the
>> exception of Seat 3 and Seat 8 which have terms ending in June 2023, all
>> the other seats have terms ending in June 2022.
>> While I would like to be educated about how we get back to the staggered
>> terms as per the design of the Bylaws, I am also curious to know where one
>> may look to find the guidelines under which the NOMCOM 2022 is operating
>> since Section 9.2 of the Bylaws states:
>> " 9.2) The NomCom shall report to the Board and operate under such
>> guidelines as may be prescribed by the Board. "
>> I apologize in advance if this is already published or was shared in
>> previous communication.
>> 4. In addition to the seats with term ending indicated as June 2022,
>> there is Seat 4 which was held by the Late Serge Ilunga (God rest his
>> soul). I think I must have missed the communication regarding filling that
>> seat (i.e. apart from the call for Expressions of Interest dated January
>> 28; in that announcement, it is stated that " Any appointment to this
>> vacant seat will be for a period until the next AFRINIC Annual General
>> Members Meeting (AGMM) in June 2022 ."
>> The wording leads one to the assumption that an election will be
>> conducted to fill that seat in June 2022 but that appears not to be the
>> case at the moment. What is the plan? I believe NOMCOM members will have
>> full clarity on this and be able to help, but I have copied the Board
>> mailing list as well to get a better understanding in case it has to come
>> from there. I'm hoping all the NOMCOM members are on the members-discuss
>> mailing list. Happy to forward this to the NOMCOM 2022 mailing list once
>> their address is shared :-)
>> 5. I also see in section 13.2 of the Bylaws ( [
>> https://www.afrinic.net/bylaws#b20-13 | Bylaws - AFRINIC - Regional
>> Internet Registry for Africa ] ) that the election process will be approved
>> by the Board. " 13.2) The election of the Directors of the company shall be
>> carried out in line with the Election process approved by the Board. "
>> Who presents the process to the board for approval and when is it
>> available to the membership for comments. please?
>> Hope to receive clarity from the NOMCOM and Board urgently so that we can
>> ensure a hitch-free election cycle this season.
>> Regards,
>> Dewole.
>> From: "comms" <co...@afrinic.net>
>> To: "AfriNIC Discuss" <members-disc...@afrinic.net>
>> Sent: Friday, April 1, 2022 3:04:37 PM
>> Subject: [members-discuss] Call for Nominations for open AFRINIC Board of
>> Directors Seat
>> Dear AFRINIC Members,
>> The Nomination Committee NomCom (2022) is pleased to announce that the
>> nomination process for AFRINIC’s Board is open for the seats below:
>> · Seat 1 (Northern Africa), to serve a three-year term in terms of
>> Articles 13.5 and 13.6 of the AFRINIC Bylaws. This seat is currently held
>> by Prof. Habib Youssef
>> · Seat 2 (Western African), to serve a three-year term in terms of
>> Articles 13.5 and 13.6 of the AFRINIC Bylaws. This seat is currently held
>> by Dr. Emmanuel Adewale Adedokun
>> · Seat 7 (Region-Independent), to serve a three-year term in terms of
>> Articles 13.4 Section (ii) and Article 13.5 of the AFRINIC Bylaws. This
>> seat is currently held by Oluwaseun Ojedeji
>> A natural person residing in the above sub-regions may be nominated for
>> Seat 1 and Seat 2 and from any sub-region for Seat 7 in compliance with the
>> provisions of the By-Laws ( [ https://www.afrinic.net/bylaws#b20-13 |
>> https://www.afrinic.net/bylaws#b20-13 ] )
>> Nominations may be made by
>> 1. An AFRINIC Resource member in good standing
>> or
>> 2. Self-nomination, be formally endorsed by at least two (2) AFRINIC
>> Resource members in good standing
>> A Resource member can nominate or second only one candidate.
>> All nominees must provide supporting evidence of their involvement in
>> AFRICA Internet ecosystem such as, reference from past Non-Executive
>> Directors of AFRINIC, proof of participation in either ICANN, IGF, ISOC,
>> AFRINIC activities.
>> A nominee is required to provide evidence for
>> I. Participating in at least three (3) AFRINIC events (physically or
>> online) in the past four (4) years;
>> II. Having at least eight (8) years of professional experience in any of
>> the following areas; Internet Number Resource Policies, ICT, Finance,
>> Audit, Legal Practice and Human Resource Management.
>> In addition to the above, a Nominee,
>> i. Should disclose any potential or existing conflict of interest with
>> AFRINIC in their application.
>> ii. Must at all times be available and committed to participating in
>> Board meetings and other AFRINIC activities (face-to-face and online)
>> iii. Demonstrate a clear understanding of AFRINIC’s By-Laws.
>> iv. Show previous active participation on any of AFRINIC mailing list
>> discussions in the past three (3) years.
>> v. Nominees are further required to take note of the following as
>> stipulated in Section 13.10 of the AFRINIC bylaws:
>> No person shall be appointed or hold office as a Director if he is a
>> person who:
>> (i) is under 18 years of age;
>> (ii) is an undischarged bankrupt;
>> (iii) would, but for the repeal of Section 117 of the Companies Act 1984
>> of Mauritius, be prohibited from being a Director or promoter of, or being
>> concerned or taking part in the management of, a company within the meaning
>> of that Act;
>> (iv) is prohibited from being a Director or promoter of or being
>> concerned or taking part in the management of a company under Sections 337
>> or 338 of the Act;
>> (v) is not a natural person; or
>> (vi) has been adjudged to have been of unsound mind.
>> To nominate yourself or a person of your choice, please complete the
>> nomination form available here.
>> [ https://registration.afrinic.net/forms/board-elections-2022 |
>> https://registration.afrinic.net/forms/board-elections-2022 ]
>> The nomination period shall end on 18th April 2022 at 23:59 UTC
>> Note: Nominees whom the Nom Com has selected as candidates should make
>> arrangements to attend AFRINIC-35 in-person or online on the Day of the
>> Election (03 June 2022). They will be afforded an opportunity to introduce
>> themselves and make a short presentation to the AGMM.
>> Nominees are called upon to send a short video presentation to the member
>> list as well as to the NoMCom with a campaign statement if they wish, and a
>> short biography.
>> NomCom wishes to receive Nominations from all of the AFRINIC sub-regions.
>> Gender and Language diversity balance is strongly encouraged while a
>> working understanding of the English language would be highly beneficial.
>> In order to have more inclusivity and diversity on the AFRINIC Board,
>> women and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply as
>> nominees for all the open Seats, but especially for Seat 7
>> (Region-Independent) and will be highly ranked above all others.
>> The Nominations Committee reserves the right to disqualify nominees from
>> the final candidates slate who engage in any form of election malpractice.
>> The following timeline shall be used as far as practical.
>> 21st March 2022: Call for Nominations
>> 18th April 2022: Close of Nominations
>> 30th April 2022: Publication of candidates
>> 5th May 2022: Opening of public comments to the candidates
>> 19th May 2022: e-voting and proxy registration open
>> 29th May 2022: Close of Proxy Registration
>> 3rd June 2022: Election day and end of electronic voting
>> Regards,
>> NOMCOM 2022
>> ……………………………………………...
>> Chers membres d'AFRINIC,
>> Le Comité de Nomination (NomCom2022) a le plaisir de vous annoncer que le
>> processus de nomination au Conseil d'Administration d'AFRINIC est ouvert
>> pour les sièges ci-dessous :
>> - Siège 1 (Afrique du Nord), pour un mandat de trois ans, conformément
>> aux articles 13.5 et 13.6 des statuts d'AFRINIC. Ce siège est actuellement
>> occupé par le Prof. Habib Youssef.
>> - Siège 2 (Afrique de l'Ouest), pour un mandat de trois ans, conformément
>> aux articles 13.5 et 13.6 des statuts d'AFRINIC. Ce siège est actuellement
>> occupé par le Dr. Emmanuel Adewale Adedokun.
>> - Siège 7 (Région Indépendante), pour un mandat de trois ans,
>> conformément aux articles 13.4 section (ii) et 13.5 des statuts d'AFRINIC.
>> Ce siège est actuellement occupé par Oluwaseun Ojedeji.
>> Une personne physique résidant dans les sous-régions susmentionnées peut
>> être désignée pour les sièges 1 et 2 et de n'importe quelle sous-région
>> pour le siège 7, conformément aux dispositions des statuts ( [
>> https://www.afrinic.net/bylaws#b20-13 |
>> https://www.afrinic.net/bylaws#b20-13 ] ).
>> Les nominations peuvent être faites par:
>> 1. Un membre en règle d’AFRINIC
>> ou
>> 2. L'auto-nomination, être formellement approuvé par au moins deux (2)
>> membres ressources d'AFRINIC en règle.
>> Un membre ressource ne peut nommer ou appuyer qu'un seul candidat.
>> Tous les candidats doivent fournir des preuves de leur implication dans
>> l'écosystème d'Internet en Afrique, telles que des références d'anciens
>> directeurs non exécutifs d'AFRINIC, des preuves de participation aux
>> activités de l'ICANN, de l'IGF, de l'ISOC et d'AFRINIC.
>> Un candidat doit fournir les preuves suivantes
>> I. Participation à au moins trois (3) événements AFRINIC (physiquement ou
>> en ligne) au cours des quatre (4) dernières années ;
>> II. Avoir au moins huit (8) ans d'expérience professionnelle dans l'un
>> des domaines suivants : politiques en matière de ressources de numéros
>> Internet, TIC, finances, audit, pratique juridique et gestion des
>> ressources humaines.
>> En sus de ce qui précède, une personne désignée,
>> i. Doit divulguer tout conflit d'intérêt potentiel ou existant avec
>> AFRINIC dans sa candidature.
>> ii. Doit à tout moment être disponible et s'engager à participer aux
>> réunions du Conseil d'administration et aux autres activités d'AFRINIC (en
>> face à face et en ligne).
>> iii. Démontrer une bonne compréhension des statuts d'AFRINIC.
>> iv. Démontrer une participation active à l'une des listes de diffusion
>> d'AFRINIC au cours des trois (3) dernières années.
>> v. Les candidats doivent également prendre note de ce qui suit, tel que
>> stipulé à l'article 13.10 des statuts d'AFRINIC :
>> Aucune personne ne peut être nommée ou occuper un poste de directeur si
>> elle est une personne qui :
>> (i) est âgée de moins de 18 ans ;
>> (ii) est un failli non libéré ;
>> (iii) serait, sans l'abrogation de la section 117 du Companies Act 1984
>> de Maurice, interdite d'être un directeur ou un promoteur, ou d'être
>> concernée ou de prendre part à la gestion d'une société au sens de cette
>> loi ;
>> (iv) n'a pas le droit d'être directeur ou promoteur d'une société, d'être
>> concerné ou de participer à sa gestion en vertu des sections 337 ou 338 de
>> la loi ;
>> (v) n'est pas une personne physique ; ou
>> (vi) a été jugé comme n'étant pas sain d'esprit.
>> Pour proposer votre candidature ou celle d'une personne de votre choix,
>> veuillez remplir le formulaire de candidature disponible ici.
>> [ https://registration.afrinic.net/forms/board-elections-2022 |
>> https://registration.afrinic.net/forms/board-elections-2022 ]
>> La période de nomination se termine le 18 avril 2022 à 23:59 UTC.
>> Note : Les candidats sélectionnés par le Nom Com doivent prendre des
>> dispositions pour assister à AFRINIC-35 en personne ou en ligne le jour de
>> l'élection (03 juin 2022). Ils auront l'occasion de se présenter et de
>> faire une courte présentation à l'AGMM.
>> Les candidats sont invités à envoyer une courte présentation vidéo à la
>> liste des membres ainsi qu'au NoMCom avec une déclaration de campagne s'ils
>> le souhaitent, et une courte biographie.
>> Le NomCom souhaite recevoir des nominations de toutes les sous-régions de
>> l'AFRINIC. L'équilibre de la diversité des sexes et des langues est
>> fortement encouragé, tandis qu'une compréhension pratique de la langue
>> anglaise serait hautement bénéfique.
>> Afin d'avoir plus d'inclusivité et de diversité au sein du Conseil
>> d'administration d'AFRINIC, les femmes et les personnes avec un handicap
>> sont fortement encouragées à postuler en tant que candidats pour tous les
>> sièges ouverts, mais surtout pour le siège 7 (Région-indépendante) et
>> seront classées avant tous les autres.
>> Le Comité des Nominations se réserve le droit de disqualifier les
>> candidats de la liste finale des candidats qui s'engagent dans toute forme
>> de malversation électorale.
>> Le calendrier suivant sera utilisé dans la mesure du possible.
>> 21 mars 2022 : appel à candidatures
>> 18 avril 2022 clôture des nominations
>> 30 avril 2022 Publication des candidats
>> 5 mai 2022 ouverture des commentaires publics aux candidats
>> 19 mai 2022 ouverture du vote électronique et de l'enregistrement des
>> procurations
>> 29 mai 2022 clôture de l'enregistrement des procurations
>> 3 juin 2022 Jour de l'élection et fin du vote électronique
>> Regards,
>> NOMCOM 2022
>> ……………………………………………..
>> أعزائي أعضاء AFRINIC ،
>> يسر لجنة الترشيحات (NomCom2022) أن تعلن أن عملية الترشيح لمجلس إدارة
>> AFRINIC مفتوحة للمقاعد التالية:
>> · المقعد 1 (شمال إفريقيا) ، لمدة ثلاث سنوات بموجب المادتين 13.5 و 13.6 من
>> اللوائح الداخلية لأفرينيك. يشغل هذا المقعد حاليًا الأستاذ الدكتور حبيب يوسف
>> · المقعد 2 (غرب إفريقيا) لمدة ثلاث سنوات بموجب المادتين 13.5 و 13.6 من
>> لوائح AFRINIC. يشغل هذا المقعد حاليًا الدكتور إيمانويل أديوال أدوكون
>> · المقعد 7 (منطقة مستقلة) ، لمدة ثلاث سنوات بموجب المواد 13.4 القسم (2)
>> والمادة 13.5 من اللوائح الداخلية لـ AFRINIC. يشغل هذا المقعد حاليًا
>> Oluwaseun Ojedeji
>> يجوز ترشيح شخص طبيعي مقيم في المناطق الفرعية المذكورة أعلاه للمقعد 1
>> والمقعد 2 ومن أي منطقة فرعية للمقعد 7 وفقًا لأحكام اللوائح ( [
>> https://www.afrinic.net/bylaws | https://www.afrinic.net/bylaws ] #
>> ب20-13)
>> يمكن إجراء الترشيحات بواسطة
>> 1. عضو من الموارد الأفريقية في وضع جيد
>> أو
>> 2. الترشيح الذاتي ، يجب أن يتم إقراره رسميًا من قبل ما لا يقل عن اثنين
>> (2) من أعضاء الموارد AFRINIC في وضع جيد
>> يمكن لعضو المورد أن يرشح أو يثني مرشحًا واحدًا فقط.
>> يجب على جميع المرشحين تقديم أدلة داعمة على مشاركتهم في النظام البيئي
>> لإنترنت إفريقيا مثل ، مرجع من المديرين غير التنفيذيين السابقين لـ AFRINIC ،
>> وإثبات المشاركة في أنشطة ICANN و IGF و ISOC و AFRINIC.
>> مطلوب مرشح لتقديم دليل ل
>> 1. المشاركة في ما لا يقل عن ثلاثة (3) أحداث AFRINIC (جسديًا أو عبر
>> الإنترنت) في السنوات الأربع (4) الماضية ؛
>> ثانيًا. امتلاك ما لا يقل عن ثماني (8) سنوات من الخبرة المهنية في أي من
>> المجالات التالية ؛ سياسات موارد أرقام الإنترنت ، تكنولوجيا المعلومات
>> والاتصالات ، المالية ، التدقيق ، الممارسة القانونية وإدارة الموارد البشرية.
>> بالإضافة إلى ما سبق ، فإن المرشح ،
>> أنا. يجب الكشف عن أي تضارب مصالح محتمل أو قائم مع AFRINIC في طلباتهم.
>> ثانيا. يجب أن يكون متاحًا وملتزمًا في جميع الأوقات بالمشاركة في اجتماعات
>> مجلس الإدارة وأنشطة AFRINIC الأخرى (وجهًا لوجه وعبر الإنترنت)
>> ثالثا. أظهر فهماً واضحاً للوائح AFRINIC الداخلية.
>> رابعا. أظهر المشاركة النشطة السابقة في أي من مناقشات قائمة AFRINIC
>> البريدية في السنوات الثلاث (3) الماضية.
>> v. يتعين على المرشحين أيضًا الإحاطة علمًا بما يلي على النحو المنصوص عليه
>> في القسم 13.10 من لوائح AFRINIC:
>> لا يجوز تعيين أي شخص أو تولي منصب مدير إذا كان هو الشخص الذي:
>> (ط) لم يبلغ من العمر 18 عامًا ؛
>> (2) إفلاس غير مبرر ؛
>> (3) ، لولا إلغاء القسم 117 من قانون الشركات لعام 1984 لموريشيوس ، يُحظر
>> من أن يكون مديرًا أو مروجًا لشركة أو مهتمًا أو يشارك في إدارة شركة بالمعنى
>> المقصود في ذلك القانون ؛
>> (4) ممنوع من أن يكون مديرًا أو مروجًا أو أن يكون مهتمًا أو يشارك في إدارة
>> شركة بموجب المادتين 337 أو 338 من القانون ؛
>> (5) ليس شخصًا طبيعيًا ؛ أو
>> (6) حكم عليه بأنه كان مختل العقل.
>> لترشيح نفسك أو أي شخص من اختيارك ، يرجى إكمال نموذج الترشيح المتاح هنا.
>> [ https://registration.afrinic.net/forms/board-elections-2022 |
>> https://registration.afrinic.net/forms/board-elections-2022 ]
>> تنتهي فترة الترشيح في 18 أبريل 2022 الساعة 23:59 بالتوقيت العالمي المنسق
>> ملاحظة: يجب على المرشحين الذين اختارتهم Nom Com كمرشحين اتخاذ الترتيبات
>> لحضور AFRINIC-34 شخصيًا أو عبر الإنترنت في يوم الانتخابات (03 يونيو 2022).
>> سيتم منحهم فرصة لتقديم أنفسهم وتقديم عرض تقديمي قصير إلى AGMM.
>> يُطلب من المرشحين إرسال عرض فيديو قصير إلى قائمة الأعضاء وكذلك إلى NoMCom
>> مع بيان الحملة إذا رغبوا في ذلك ، وسيرة ذاتية قصيرة.
>> ترغب NomCom في تلقي الترشيحات من جميع مناطق AFRINIC الفرعية. يتم تشجيع
>> التوازن بين الجنسين وتنوع اللغة بشدة بينما يكون فهم اللغة الإنجليزية مفيدًا
>> للغاية.
>> من أجل الحصول على مزيد من الشمولية والتنوع في مجلس إدارة AFRINIC ، يتم
>> تشجيع النساء والأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة بشدة على التقدم كمرشحين لجميع المقاعد
>> المفتوحة ، ولكن بشكل خاص للمقعد 7 (المنطقة المستقلة) وسوف يحتلون مرتبة
>> عالية فوق كل المقاعد الأخرى.
>> تحتفظ لجنة الترشيحات بالحق في استبعاد المرشحين من قائمة المرشحين النهائية
>> الذين ينخرطون في أي شكل من أشكال الممارسات الخاطئة في الانتخابات.
>> الجدول الزمني لانتخابات 2022
>> يجب استخدام الجدول الزمني التالي بقدر ما هو عملي.
>> 21 مارس 2022 دعوة لتقديم الترشيحات
>> 18 أبريل 2022 إغلاق باب الترشيحات
>> 30 أبريل 2022 نشر المرشحين
>> 5 مايو 2022 فتح باب التعليقات العامة للمرشحين
>> 19 مايو 2022 التصويت الإلكتروني والتسجيل بالوكالة مفتوحان
>> 29 مايو 2022 إغلاق تسجيل الوكيل
>> 3 يونيو 2022 يوم الانتخابات ونهاية التصويت الإلكتروني
>> يعتبر،
>> نومكوم 2022
>> …………………………………………………….
>> Caros Membros AFRINIC,
>> O Comité de Nomeação (NomCom2022) tem o prazer de anunciar que o processo
>> de nomeação para a Direcção da AFRINIC está aberto para os lugares abaixo
>> indicados:
>> - Lugar 1 (África do Norte), para um mandato de três anos, nos termos dos
>> artigos 13.5 e 13.6 dos Estatutos da AFRINIC. Este lugar é actualmente
>> ocupado pelo Prof. Habib Youssef
>> - Sede 2 (África Ocidental), para servir um mandato de três anos nos
>> termos dos artigos 13.5 e 13.6 dos Estatutos da AFRINIC. Este lugar é
>> actualmente ocupado pelo Dr. Emmanuel Adewale Adedokun
>> - Sede 7 (Região-Independente), para cumprir um mandato de três anos nos
>> termos do Artigo 13.4 Secção (ii) e Artigo 13.5 dos Estatutos da AFRINIC.
>> Esta sede é actualmente ocupada por Oluwaseun Ojedeji
>> Uma pessoa singular residente nas sub-regiões acima referidas pode ser
>> nomeada para os lugares 1 e 2 e de qualquer sub-região para o lugar 7, em
>> conformidade com as disposições estatutárias ( [
>> https://www.afrinic.net/bylaws#b20-13 |
>> https://www.afrinic.net/bylaws#b20-13 ] )
>> As nomeações podem ser feitas por
>> 1. Um membro dos Recursos AFRINIC em boa situação
>> ou
>> 2. Auto-indicação, ser formalmente endossada por pelo menos dois (2)
>> membros dos Recursos AFRINIC em boa situação
>> Um membro dos Recursos pode nomear ou secundar apenas um candidato.
>> Todos os nomeados devem fornecer provas de apoio do seu envolvimento no
>> ecossistema da Internet em ÁFRICA, tais como, referência de anteriores
>> Directores Não-Executivos de AFRINIC, prova de participação em actividades
>> Um nomeado é obrigado a fornecer provas para
>> I. Participação em pelo menos três (3) eventos AFRINIC (fisicamente ou
>> online) nos últimos quatro (4) anos;
>> II. Ter pelo menos oito (8) anos de experiência profissional em qualquer
>> das seguintes áreas; Políticas de Recursos Numéricos da Internet, TIC,
>> Finanças, Auditoria, Prática Jurídica e Gestão de Recursos Humanos.
>> Para além do acima referido, um Candidato indicado,
>> i. Deve revelar qualquer conflito de interesse potencial ou existente com
>> a AFRINIC na sua candidatura.
>> ii. Devem estar sempre disponíveis e empenhados em participar em reuniões
>> da Direcção e outras actividades AFRINIC (presenciais e online)
>> iii. Demonstrar uma clara compreensão dos estatutos da AFRINIC.
>> iv. Mostrar participação activa anterior em qualquer das discussões da
>> lista de correio da AFRINIC nos últimos três (3) anos.
>> v. Os nomeados são ainda obrigados a tomar nota do seguinte, conforme
>> estipulado na Secção 13.10 dos Estatutos da AFRINIC:
>> Nenhuma pessoa será nomeada ou ocupará um cargo de Director se for uma
>> pessoa que:
>> (i) tenha menos de 18 anos de idade;
>> (ii) seja uma pessoa falida não apurada;
>> (iii) estaria, mas pela revogação do artigo 117 da lei das sociedades de
>> 1984 da Maurícia, proibida de ser director ou promotor de uma sociedade na
>> acepção da referida lei, ou de estar envolvido ou participar na gestão de
>> uma sociedade na acepção da mesma;
>> (iv) está proibido de ser director ou promotor de, ou de estar
>> interessado ou participar na gestão de uma sociedade, nos termos dos
>> artigos 337 ou 338 do Acto;
>> (v) não seja uma pessoa singular; ou
>> (vi) foi julgado que tinha sido considerado de mente insensata.
>> Para se nomear a si próprio ou uma pessoa da sua escolha, por favor
>> preencha o formulário de nomeação disponível aqui.
>> [ https://registration.afrinic.net/forms/board-elections-2022 |
>> https://registration.afrinic.net/forms/board-elections-2022 ]
>> O período de nomeação termina a 18 de Abril de 2022 às 23:59 UTC
>> Nota: Os nomeados que o NomCom seleccionou como candidatos devem tomar
>> providências para comparecer pessoalmente ou online em AFRINIC-35 no Dia
>> das Eleições (03 de Junho de 2022). Terão a oportunidade de se apresentar e
>> fazer uma breve apresentação à AGMM.
>> Os nomeados são convidados a enviar uma breve apresentação em vídeo à
>> lista de membros, bem como ao NoMCom com uma declaração de campanha se
>> assim o desejarem, e uma breve biografia.
>> O NomCom deseja receber nomeações de todas as sub-regiões AFRINIC. O
>> equilíbrio entre género e diversidade linguística é fortemente encorajado,
>> enquanto que um entendimento funcional da língua inglesa seria altamente
>> benéfico.
>> A fim de ter mais inclusividade e diversidade no Conselho AFRINIC, as
>> mulheres e as pessoas com deficiência são fortemente encorajadas a
>> candidatarem-se como candidatas para todos os lugares abertos, mas
>> especialmente para o lugar 7 (Região-Independente) e serão altamente
>> classificadas acima de todas as outras.
>> O Comité de Nomeações reserva-se o direito de desqualificar os nomeados
>> dos candidatos finais que se dediquem a qualquer forma de negligência
>> eleitoral.
>> A seguinte linha temporal deve ser utilizada na medida do possível.
>> 21 de Março de 2022 apelo à apresentação de candidaturas
>> 18 de Abril de 2022 encerramento das nomeações
>> 30 de Abril de 2022 Publicação dos candidatos
>> 5 de Maio de 2022 abertura ao público dos comentários dos candidatos
>> 19 de Maio de 2022 Aberto o registo e-voting e proxy
>> 29 de Maio de 2022 encerramento do registo por procuração
>> 3 de Junho de 2022 Dia de eleições e fim da votação electrónica
>> Cumprimentos,
>> NOMCOM 2022
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