Please, allow me to restart the voting in order to make it easier to reach some consensus since it's hard to interpret the results of the previous one.

                               - o -

There are two different concerns for openness:

 - open to read

 - open to write

Let's try to keep them separate.

NOTE: there is no need to indicate the reasons for your votes, either for negative ones.

Also, please, don't vote 0.5 or other numbers, let's keep it simple for the final count.

                               - o -

VOTE 1: would you like to make it possible for non-committers to read this mail list thru a web archive?

 [ ] +1 yes, let's make it readable
 [ ]  0 don't know/don't care
 [ ] -1 no, let's keep it private

- o -

VOTE 2: would you like to make it possible for non-committers to fully subscribe to this mail list?

 [ ] +1 yes, let's open it to everyone
 [ ]  0 don't know/don't care
 [ ] -1 no, let's keep it for committers only

- o -

Please, place your vote even if you already voted in the previous poll.

We'll reset the clock and give 78 hours for the vote.

I volunteer to count the retults and post them here.

Thanks in advance and sorry for the double poll noise.

Stefano Mazzocchi                               <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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