The previous message was a dry summary of the votation, but here I would like to comment it.

First of all, I was very happy to see that 'openness' doesn't appear to be a quality of any particular group of people. I perceive this somewhat reducing the value of Sam's thesis that jakarta has an 'open' attitude that the rest of the ASF doesn't have.

I saw individuals voting on their own personal feelings and the results where that voting results are very diverse.

I consider this a healthy sign that communication is really taking place and this list might well make a difference in the creation of the *perception* of a ASF-wide community.

Moreover, the majority expressed no reasons to restrict the 'transparency' of this list (thru public archives), but was concerned on the ability for everybody to subscribe, but my perception is that it was not due to some 'unopen' practices, but only to the worry that S/N ratio would lower as it happens, for example, on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The result of this votation turns this list into a sort of 'house of representatives' where only elected people are able to talk, but everyone is able to read the digests.

Ah, one personal comment, we really need a better voting system :) doing it by hand is boring and very time consuming :/

Roy, how do we use your voting system? can it be extended to committers?

Stefano Mazzocchi                               <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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