Well this makes my second mail faux pax this week. I actually didn't mean to send this. I sometimes type a mail and then
discard it or send it to my self.. U/F in mozilla mail (which I'm not accustomed to) send is right below the file menu and I missed.
(new laptop). My sincere appologies to Craig and the rest of y'all. I meant to send a way less snide/sarcastic version of this...

Andrew C. Oliver wrote:

A slightly more formal way to do this would be to explicitly canonicalize
"Apache Way" policies like this at the apache.org level, and these
automatically become the default policies for any Apache project unless
that project deliberately (perhaps within some limits TBD) chooses to
operate differently. The requirement for following these (or specializing
them) would be an explicit part of a new project's charter.

yes. Canons are way more efficient than trust and community building. I mean a tight nit group of people
whom respect each other and want to work together is NO match for a group of people who don't
respect each other and barely want to work together with a set of canon laws. (or should their be three n's in that)

Essentially, this would be a generlization of the way Jakarta projects
deal with coding style conventions -- there's a default (from the original
Sun coding standards) that is the assumed standard unless a different
choice is explicitly made and documented for a particular subproject.

Yes, bracket placement is the most important issue in a community. If you don't use K&R style
bracketing I just can't read your code and the project is a total wash. ;-) Fortunately Eclipse lets
me reformat it going in and reformat it going out.

The same principle can be applied recursively -- instead of subclasses
formally inheriting methods and instance variables (with the option to
override), projects and subprojects formally inherit culture and standards
unless they explicitly choose to override :-).

Yes "standards" have worked so nicely in the software industry. Why we have several standards for
any one thing. Its certainly better than mutual respect.. For as long as one follows one of the standards, it
must be good.

I'd bet many people perceive that Apache actually works this way; let's
just make that perception into reality.

In order to do this, lets set at least 6 months aside each to draft a large legal document, assign penalties for
breaking any of the rules. We'll create a new subproject for "Those who have not joined the shining path to
enlightenment" for projects choosing not to ratify the canon. Next we can create a "interperator" subproject,
in the event of a disagreement among parties in a project the interperator (think of them as lawyers) can be assigned
to help interperate the canon and apply penalities to whomever is judged to be in the wrong. The alternative is to get back the the basics...community, mutual respect, dare I say friendship, working for the best
ideas, etc. Rigid guidelines are much easier than that. Thats why XP is such crap, a "metaphor" instead of a BUFD. Same prinicipal. Long live the SDLC!



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