On Sat, 16 Nov 2002, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:

> Not meaning to embarrass anyone, but I suggest not writing "news" on any
> "news" pages like this:
> http://jakarta.apache.org/site/news.html#1106.1
> The Commons CLI team is proud to announce Commons CLI 1.0, the first
> official release of this Commons component. Binary and source
> distributions are available here
> <http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/jakarta-commons/release/commons-cli/v1.0/>.
> More information about Commons CLI can be found on the project home page
> <http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/cli/>.
> The reason being is that its mirrored and carried throughout.  Reading
> this....what is the Commons CLI?  Why do I care it has a new
> release...what is in the new release (okay its 1.0 so maybe thats
> okay)..  CLI makes me think of Common Language Interface.  Sure there
> are links but it might be just what someone who gets it in syndication
> needs, but they won't know based on this blurb and they'll rpobably miss it.

So, are you saying the boring repetitive 'news' from Commons is the
problem? Or just the acronym?

I'm all for adding a line to Commons releases which say what the project
is actually for :)


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