James Strachan wrote:
From: "Ben Laurie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

James Strachan wrote:

From: "Sam Ruby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:

In the case of Maven, it would seem to me that a <bio/> or


element inside <developer/> elements in project.xml files would be



Working on adding <url/> element as we speak.

Gah; bike shedding at work! Just having each project (and the member list) keep it updated via their own pages seems much simpler and in a very simple way it makes it clear that the committer did an opt-in.

Actually, I don't believe so. The proposed <url/> element will presumably be added to the input source from which the Maven Project Team page is generated. It will still be up to the individual to explicitly provide it, and will be monitored and maintained by the


After that point, one of us will screen scrape it. ;-)

You won't need to screen scrape. You could use XPath / XSLT...


search for //developer

Looks like there'll be a new <homepage> element in there soon too...

Doesn't this lead to loads of duplication of developer info? Surely they need to be included by reference?

Agreed. Thats why I was arguing for a single canonical place (a single
developer.xml file available on the web) where all Apache committer info can
be put and then reused on each project.

That was step #2 of the need for a coherent and carefully planned community.apache.org web site.

But I'm somewhat tired of pushing against those rubber walls of irrational conservationism to create consensus.

As usual, I'll try to be more creative and less predictable to tunnel thru those rubbber walls :)

Stefano Mazzocchi                               <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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