On Fri, 10 Jan 2003, Greg Stein wrote:

> > $matrix = [
> >            [1, 2, 3],
> >            [4, 5, 6],
> >            [7, 8, 9] ];
> > print $matrix->[1][2];
> Very cool. Man, I wish that woulda worked when I tried it.
> > A little more punctuation, but, then, you'd expect that from Perl.
> >
> > You must have a very lame Perl hacker at your disposal. ;-)
> This was sometime around 1996, I believe. Perl 4, if I recall. Is it
> possible that it wasn't so easy in Perl 4?

Ah. No. Not possible in Perl 4. That was back in the dark ages! ;-) I
guess I did not realize that Python was already around back then.
References (aka pointers, only not) appeared in Perl 5, and are what
makes this syntax posibble.

Nothing is perfekt. Certainly not me.
Success to failure. Just a matter of degrees.

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