On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, Aaron Bannert wrote:

> On Wednesday, January 29, 2003, at 07:07  AM, David Reid wrote:
> > I agree that providing a forum where news can be made available for
> > projects
> > in an easier to find location is a good thing and soemthing we should
> > aim to
> > provide, but I'm totally opposed to blogs or wiki as the medium to
> > fulfil
> > this need.
> Isn't that just the <news> link from a project's webpage? A blog hints
> at something totally subjective, not something like official newsworthy
> events.
> I agree with David here.

News is a weak thing to put on blogs. To me, the perfect place for a blog
on a project woould be to provide a public place to state decisions made
by the project. These are effectively small pieces of news, ie:

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