
I see several differences between mailing list and Wiki content:

  1.  posting policy

If you manage your Wiki with Wiki pages in conversation mode, shouldn't you
want similar control over Wiki posting as e-mail posting?

  2.  representation

> I do see wiki as a transcript of opinions and ideas of a user.

E-mail is signed by the sender, and the presumed representation is that it
is the opinion of the sender.  If you want your Wiki to be a transcript of
user opinions, don't you want the content coming from specific users to be
clearly represented as such?

Also, there are two types of Wiki pages: one represents the opinions of
individual users, but the other reflects a gestalt view.  I've done both,
and I prefer the latter; the Wiki best practice known as document mode.  A
document mode page may not represent the official position of a project, but
nor can it be said to represent individual opinions.

> IMHO what's important is to find a way to make it clear and agree that
> wiki is not the oficial document of apache

I agree with Danny Angus' proposal that the Wiki code place a disclaimer in
a page footer.

  3.   ownership

In my opinion, the Wiki is part of the project documentation.  It may be
less official, it may be user-to-user, but it is part of the project

> where do we draw the line - after the oversight is in place.

If someone submits a web page for the Tomcat help section stating as fact
that Tomcat sucks, that it won't install properly, that the developers don't
answer questions, that members of tomcat-user@ are rude and unhelpful, are
you going to commit it?  We have both seen those sentiments expressed on the
mailing list by a handful of vocal malcontents.

  4.  Mailing list content extends over time.  Wiki content morphs over

The ability to morph content to reflect an evolving consensus is one reason
why document mode pages represent Wiki best practice.  I consider it to be
the benefit of a Wiki, contrasting sharply with a mailing list, bulletin
board or weblog.

        --- Noel

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