On Mon, 3 Feb 2003, Santiago Gala wrote:

> http://apollo.spaceports.com/~jhasting/images/earthmaps/earthmap2k.jpg
> http://apollo.spaceports.com/~jhasting

These links are dead now.

> http://visibleearth.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/viewrecord?5826

I've asked for this one - should be no problem.

> While the source of earth does not seem to exist today, in
> http://gw.marketingden.com/planets/planets.html
> seems to be the original source of the map.

Added this to the WMS server; should be visible tomorrow after
the update :-)

> One thing I like about using jabber presence is that you can switch
> status, or even turn it off, at will. Furthermore, the jabber protocol
> is free, extensible, XML chunk based and designed without a central
> server architecture.

Amen to all that !

Thanks for the links - persuing !


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