Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
* On 2003-02-05 at 18:55,
  Andrew C. Oliver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> excited the electrons to say:


Minor considerations:

* I will rejoin and stop whining about it.

won't you consider being nice and doing that anyway?  or is this the
only price you'll accept?  <grin size="huge"/> <laugh/>

Would you join if I publicly state (and my address can be put in the list policy with this statement) that:

I will act as a gateway for non subscribed people wishing to contribute, forwarding mails received from such people to the list. This will be done with no restriction, except:

- I will filter obvious spam and hate mail with a reject notice (except where spamassassin gets the email first) ;-)
- I will direct people to different lists, if I think there is where it should go. If they insist, I will post here.
- A certain lag should be expected.

So, people can read mail from the archives, and post through me. The list is no longer closed ;-)

(in the interest of free speech, and to feel Andy bugging back here)

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