> From: Andrew C. Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 1:52 PM

>>>* I will rejoin and stop whining about it.
>> won't you consider being nice and doing that anyway?  or is this the
>> only price you'll accept?  <grin size="huge"/> <laugh/>
> No Chance.  Not enough time on my hands these days.

Andy, this is just an observation and it might just be weird timing and
all that, but, the number of posts double everytime you come up with a
proposal, post an opinion, etc.  So maybe the time spent on this list
has something to do with your own input?  Don't get me wrong, I don't
mind people stirring the pot a little, but I always wonder when the
same people complain about all the traffic.

> As for the rest...
> Sure then I propose we create another list open to the public and 
> archived.  Call it opencommunity or public or something.

This list _is_ publicly archived.  People that are part of our developer
community (read: our committers) can post.  Invitees can post aswell.
Everyone else can read the list (through the archives).  If someone
desires to post they go through the moderator.  What is the big deal here?
[Don't answer that.  We can both dig up arguments for both sides in
 the public archive].

Please, please, please, not another list.  We have enough lists to begin
with and having another one just for the 'benefit' of non-committers to
be able to subscribe and post seems a bit silly.

> This achieves roughly the same objectives.

Right, just another way to get what was out-voted on this list...


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