From: "Noel J. Bergman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Well, I didn't ask about Gump, Centipede or Ruper.  I asked about Ant and
> Maven.  Start there.  And as far as I'm concerned, if Build Project X
> (a logical antecedent for the sake of discussion), then an Ant/Maven PMC
> could resolve that by correction/replacement as part of their on-going
> development.

I thought the whole reason that Ant, Avalon, Cocoon, James et al moved top
level (out of Jakarta) was to get rid of top level umbrella PMCs so that
each project has its own PMC.
This is all Maven is trying to do. Any kinds of integration/merging is an
internal decision for the Ant and Maven communities isn't it? I see
Ant/Maven integration as a totally separate issue from who makes up the PMC
to look after the Maven project. I don't see why why we'd need another top
level PMC looking after both Ant and Maven as they are separate projects


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