On Mon, 3 Mar 2003, Erik Abele wrote:

> Huh, are you sure?
> wget apache.org/LICENSE
> 100%[====================================>] 2,827
> ll
> -rw-rw-r--    1 erik     erik         2827 Sep 22  2001 LICENSE
> 2827 bytes * 293 files = 828311 bytes / 1024 = 808,9kb !
> The 22kb LICENSE you mentioned is the full-blown text (located at
> httpd-2.0/LICENSE) which includes all subcomponents' licenses but the
> source files only include the *Apache Software License* not that of the
> other comps...
> so we get 808,9kb for the source files plus the license
> (22998/1024=22,5kb) itself: ~ 831,4kb
> hehe, really cute compared to 6,7M :->

That's not nearly as fun!

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