Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:
> Ken, if you feel *burdens* for the moderations of XX mailing
> lists, please feel free to contact me. I think I can deal with
> 250-500 additional mails per day for now. (Now: 500-700 mails per day)

i believe you're missing the point.  the issue is not the volume of
email, it's imposing the burden on someone *else*.  there are several
people who are moderators for that list.  adding another moderator
won't keep the existing ones from having to wade through all the
spam filling their inboxes -- it will just add one more person
with the same amount of spam in *its* inbox.

i think the issue here is the violation of the principle of least
astonishment -- namely, the restriction wasn't clearly enough
documented (or possibly at all) so it caught henning by surprise.
as for whether documenting it is a good idea, see the last section

> Also, how about using modules for committers to explain such kind
> of things as these above? 

please explain.

>> and now that this has been discussed on a publicly archived list,
>> it will probably have to made even more stringent, such as
>> requiring the mail be sent from your account on one of the asf
>> machines or something.
> -1

i don't think it's really subject to vote here.  if anywhere,
it would be the moderators and the infrastructure people.  and
my point is that now this is a publicly known algorithm, spammers
may spoof mail as coming from @apache.org in order to get into
the moderation queue.
#ken    P-)}

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Golux.Com/coar/
Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/

"Millennium hand and shrimp!"

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