Speaking of the hackathon... what, when, etc?


On Monday, October 13, 2003, at 09:35 AM, Ben Laurie wrote:

Shane Curcuru wrote:

Excellent!  Nice use of Agora, very interesting to see.

I know someone's organizing a codesigning at ApacheCon; are details
finished yet? This would probably be a good list to advertise the time
of the codesigning on.

Also I know Ben Laurie has other nifty key management/who knows who
tools; it would be interesting to see links to that and to this Agora
picture posted somewhere, perhaps in the wiki, to get people thinking
about forming our web-of-trust and to ensure all projects do a good job
of both 1) signing releases, and 2) having easily findable doc
describing how to sign, verify, etc. and what verifying releases really

Wiki has similar info at:
and httpd has more discussion at:

We _really_ should use Keyman. Perhaps I'll show it to people at the Hackathon.

Speaking of which: where's those t-shirt designs, dammit?



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