On Tue, 13 Jan 2004 22:22:17 +0100
Santiago Gala Pérez wrote:
> William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> (...)
> | Many of us rant in email, delete, then recompose with some decorum.
> | Since many things that are discussed in community involve strongly held
> | personal opinions and beliefs, this safety measure ensures that
> intelligent
> | dialogs can be pursued and the best course of action followed.
> In this very spirit, 8 hours ago I was about to suggest Andy to put his
> outbox in a moderation queue, but then I thought my message was too
> harsh and I refrained from sending it...

Oh, great. Nifty. By the way, maybe I could *invent* new medicine
(patch form) which aids mitigation of the "withdrawal symptoms" of
such *writing impulse* effectively
-- USAGE: apply one patch which is effective 16 hours a day --

However, I am afraid I can not export it to the place where Andy
lives in, because the ministry of health and welfare in japan is banning
me from doing it or due to the failure of the delivery system.
I could import nicotine patch from new zealand, though.
... Very sad ...


-- Tetsuya. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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