On Wed, 14 Jan 2004 10:24:50 +0900
Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:
> > Something for us all to be proud of.  While this post talks about
> > httpd, 2003 was no doubt the year many of the ASF's projects really
> > started to shine, in addition to some very important new projects
> > getting under way.
> Oh, good. Congratulations!

By the way, how can we describe the year 2003 as ... for apache?

Currently, I am writing articles for Apache/Jakarta/TLPs
(10pages!) and want to put some nice comments on the history
of year 2003. Deadline - tomorrow :-(


I've taken a look at the Netcraft survey graphs again.
Fantastic. I posted a message to the mailing list for
sueveryers/marketers -- 5,000 participants. Maybe I can
receive a nice feedback from them :)
  I wanted to know the effects of the "announcements"
  which Sander and Jim posted to [EMAIL PROTECTED] It's important
  for us to measure the side-effect of announcements.



Tetsuya Kitahata --  Terra-International, Inc.
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