El viernes, 19 marz, 2004, a las 05:16 Europe/Madrid, Serge Knystautas escribió:

still a huge pain to use ActiveX components. Python gets to be as the best glueware tool. I don't care about losing to C#... we're losing more ground to Python.

In the client side, I saw a comment about modern Flash apps (more and more common), which said something like: "Those Flash apps are like what java Applets should have been".

Also, Ben Hyde compares Flash with Hypercard, in the sense of non-programmer programming language:


While python is getting momentum for scripting in the server side, flash is what is substituting java in the client side (while cellular games are done in java, flash is beginning to get installed into phones too).

As a conclusion, I would say that the "One language to rule them all" times are gone. Wire protocols and networking make much easier to use different languages for parts of systems.

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