---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2004 17:46:56 -0400
From: Mark Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Dirk-Willem van Gulik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: community@apache.org
Subject: Re: OASIS

Hi Dirk,

I'll try to address your comments inline below.

Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:

> Darn - I must have missed it; what I was looking for was
> ->    how is pay to play dealth with ?

They'll take a check, money order, credit card, whatever. And the
membership director, Scott mcGrath, is very accomodating when it comes
to things, like, say, membership dues arriving late due to bureaucratic
issues. I've found OASIS _very_ easy to deal with when it comes time to
pay for the membership (= US$1000 for non-profit orgs).

> ->    in reality - are f2f and voting ever an issue ?

Nope. Never had any issues with voting nor with inability to do f2f
meetings or telcons.

>       i.e. does not beeing able to show up on a f2f or on
>       a telecon, due to the volunteer having other real-world
>       roles/constraints, cause issues/imbalance as the corperate
>       volunteers have more significant backing.

What I've found is that there seems to be no correlation whatsoever
between commercial/non-commercial sponsored member attendance at
Technical Committee (TC) telcons. For example, there's always someone
missing at any given (monthly) telcon for the DocBook TC, but this never
seems to cause any problems--unless, of course, there are not enough
attendees to achieve quorum for a vote. In this case, too, there doesn't
seem to be any relationship between attendance & organizational association.

IIRC, TC members are only allowed three absences (or something to that
effect), after which they're kicked off the TC. In practice, however,
I've yet to see this be the case. I believe decsions of this sort are at
the discretion of the TC Chair.

> ->    how does the processes deal with participants which
>       are not just volunteers but lack corperate backing
>       and resources ?

The process deals with all TC members the same way, regardless of
affiliation. As to the issue of corporate backing & resources, well, I'd
honestly have to say that it's a non-issue. _Everyone_ gets treated the
same way.

And, in my experience, TC members w/ corporate backing don't appear to
be any more or less committed to TC work than those affiliated with
non-profit orgs. Everyone (commercial or non-profit) is busy, and so
attendance & commitment varies meeting by meeting, according to the
workload of the individual members. I honestly don't see that TC members
with corporate backing have any sort of advantage at all. It's pretty
much an even playing field. Really.



Mark Johnson      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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