On Thu, 4 Nov 2004, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:


Henri Yandell wrote:

The # of moderators would be good to have on there, even better would be the apache logon of the moderators.

I don't see why.. that information is already available to committers, and I'm not at all sure we want it any more public than that.

Just looking for an easier way than querying the mail lists one at a time. Every now and then we discover that a list is inadequately moderated and so I'm trying to think of ways to maintain oversight there.

I guess a better solution would be to target my actual problem and see if alerts can fire to the PMC when a mail list's moderation queue exceeds a certain amount.

For the first statistical report, could you specify what the collection
period was?

It's running daily now.

Cool :)


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