Anyone with a PGP key on the keyserver likely has gotten one or
more of these emails recently.  I'm figuring it's legit, see

- Any security types have a decent analysis of what the new's
"Directory" really means, vs. using other keyservers?

- Hey: how many of us still see the keyserver as a useful thing
for building the Apache web-of-trust, versus other keyservers or simply
managing keys individually?

A couple of things in the FAQ are interesting:
- Only supports v4 keys - no RSA legacy keys (they get deleted before
being posted in the directory)

- Verifies keys every 6 months by requiring a clickthru response to
emails sent to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; only keys with email addr are

- *Only* signatures from other keys that are also in the Directory are
supported: other signatures are removed before being exposed in the
Directory.  (This one is mildly annoying)  I wonder how many out of
their claimed 107 signatures on my key will remain after this check.

- Shane
(Forgot the passphrase for my new .sig)

- Shane

<eof .sig="Gobble Gobble!" />

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