CCHits ( ) is designed to be a digg like thing for creative commons licensed music. Might be helpful.


On Jun 2, 2006, at 7:41 AM, david reid wrote:

Some of you may have noticed that Rich and I finally got our act
together and launched feathercast ( Only the
first episode is available at present, but more should follow in due
course. We're not trying to maintain any schedule and will just be
adding episodes as we create them.

This mail is to ask if anyone has ideas for music we can use! I couldn't
decide for the initial episode, so didn't use any. The music will be
used for 10-15 secs at the start and then (possibly) at the end, so
we're not looking for a huge work, just something short. It needs to be
free for us to use and have no strings attached. We're quite OK with
giving credit which means that Creative Commons is OK.

What would be really cool was if someone out there was a musician or
involved in music and could create a piece   :-)   In all your spare
time obviously!   :-)

Please send ideas for music along and we'll have a listen. so far all
the pieces we've tried haven't quite felt right or been suitable. It's
hard to define exactly what is suitable, or what will push the correct
buttons, but I'm hopeful we'll know it when we hear it. If not it'll be
back to the dice   :-)

Suggestions, comments, feedback on feathercast should be directed at


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